Who is at fault when it comes to posting a picture with imperfections only to get trolls commenting negatively?

Some people say the person posting a picture should be prepare for the worst comments while others say trolls have no right to comment as it’s bullying. Which option do you pick?

I do faced lots of trolls online, whether it’s trolling others or trolling me. Usually I block them or ignore them but I have a limit. If a troll has been harassing me for many days I won’t hesitate to make a police report. In my country, cyberbullies and trolls were dealt with by the police in just 24 hours due to how small my country was. This is why being born in a very small country has its advantages. No one can escape the police here.
Trolls have no right to comment negatively on someone else’s photo on social media it’s bullying
The person posting the picture needs to know he or she will receive negative comments since social media is a cruel place why use social media if he or she can’t deal with trolls
I wish social media doesn’t exist so nobody will get hurt
I’m not sure
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1 y
I stopped posting pictures to Instagram not because of fearing of potential trolls but more of exposing too much of my privacy. It’s scary for me to post everything on Instagram about what I do in my daily life. Stalkers are real and they’re scarier than trolls.
Who is at fault when it comes to posting a picture with imperfections only to get trolls commenting negatively?
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