Clarity: When do you come up with the best ideas👀?

Clarity: When do you come up with the best ideas👀?

Another GaG user asked the question “do you get post nut clarity”

Intelg’nt 🤓
Intelg’nt 🤓

Man.. mine is have you ever gotten just “woke up clarity?” 🥱🤤

I’ll admit- I’ve woken up right away to read an email, a comment, or post and some of my replies seemed to be too tier then! 🤣 I’m serious, you can laugh, but has this happened to anyone else?

Must be the brain simply functioning in typical high gear, after a good 8 hrs so 😆. If you haven’t gotten clarity from waking up from slumber, was there ever another odd moment, you received great clarity?

Clarity: When do you come up with the best ideas👀?
Bye 😃🥳🤪
Bye 😃🥳🤪
Clarity: When do you come up with the best ideas👀?
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