Promiscuity or death? Which one would you choose?


I can only imagine myself becoming promiscuous as an ultimate method of self-harm before I drink a deadly dose of Pentobarbital, so I will choose to simply end my suffering sooner. I had chances of becoming promiscuous in my life and it was really the fear of death (or rather dying alone in meaninglessness) that always kept me back.

I really hate the idea of dying alone, however. My dream is to die in someone's arms and feel safe as I pass. Before I go, I might find someone to act as my partner - kiss me, make love to me, then cuddle me or just hold my hand as I pass. I think that would be a possible scenario in Switzerland and what I would go for if I had to choose between promiscuity and death.

Promiscuity or death? Which one would you choose?

I ask this because I can't see myelf being promiscuous and mentally healthy, functional, and living a meaningful life at the same time.

Can you? How?

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I consider promiscuity a form of self-harm.

When I say I choose "death", I'm choosing between a life of self-harm and death, not between "sex and fun" and death. I don't consider promiscuous/casual sex "fun" at all. I don't get aroused without having a strong emotional connection with a person.
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I also don't prefer staying alive "no matter what". If my life is meaningless and I am having sex just to get high *while* being high and intoxicated, I'd rather die sooner than later.

I prefer fighting for an ideal over death, but death over living hell.

Can't understand how people don't take promiscuity seriously.
Promiscuity or death? Which one would you choose?
20 Opinion