Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #4?

Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #4?

Here is the next in a new series of Geography questions... with a different category each day.

Monday - Bodies of Water
Tuesday - Buildings and Structures
Wednesday - Mountains
Thursday - Where Did It Happen?
Friday - Bridges
Saturday & Sunday - Random category

Today's category is Buildings and Structures.

Can you name this Building or Structure? Bonus if you can name its location.

Here are your clues:
* This building or structure is located in its country's capital city
* It is made of stone and concrete
* Many people and animals have died in it
* It is almost 2000 years old
* It was damaged by a fire in 217 and an earthquake in 1319

Please don't cheat by looking it up or seeing what others are posting.

Make your guess in the opinions below.

The correct answer will be given in a few days (Thursday).

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Monday's question was posted late so this one is posted early. Good luck!
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The correct answer is the COLOSSEUM in Rome Italy
Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #4?
6 Opinion