Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #1?

Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #1?

Here is the next in a series of Geography questions... with a different category each day.

Monday - Bodies of Water
Tuesday - Buildings and Structures
Wednesday - Mountains
Thursday - Where Did It Happen?
Friday - Bridges
Saturday & Sunday - Random category

Today's category is Buildings and Structures.

Can you name this Building or Structure?

Here are your clues:
* It is located in a country's capital city
* It's more than 100 years old
* It was built to be temporary, then planned to be torn down
* It is 330m (1083ft) tall
* Hitler ordered its destruction; the city mayor saved it
* It is illegal to take a picture of it at night without permission

Please don't cheat by looking it up or seeing what others are posting.

Make your guess in the opinions below.

The correct answer will be given in a few days (Thursday).

Good luck!

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The correct answer is EIFFEL TOWER, in Paris, capital of France. The tower was originally built for the 1889 World's Fair, with the idea that it would be dismantled after the Fair ended. After Germany invaded France in 1940, Hitler ordered the tower be destroyed, along with the rest of Paris, but General Dietrich von Choltitz, the military governor of Paris (effectively the mayor) to demolish the tower along with the rest of the city.; Von Choltitz disobeyed the order.
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Due to French copyright law, the lights are the tower are considered artwork, so taking a picture violates copyright and is illegal, though this is not often enforced.
Geography Question - Buildings and Structures #1?
6 Opinion