23 d

Creation or chemicals or?


How did life begin?

Science thinks that some simple chemicals somehow became more complex chemicals that eventually became cells, etc. There is a problem here regarding where the energy to power all these chemical reactions came from since there was no friendly power company involved as far as we know - Not even any walls or wall outlets or generators.

Creation asserts that God simply... uh... created man. No real mention of how he did that and with what, save Eve's rib. A little too simple considering the complexity of humans. The simplicity has led to a lot of scepticism. A lack of energy is the least of the issues here.

A variant of Creationism called Intelligent design says that the designer was actually sort of a biochemist and anatomist, and he put all this... uh... stuff together and built people. No real evidence for that but the ID people assert that there had to be an intelligent designer because people are so complex. Not convincing but not clearly wrong. Begs the question of who was the intelligent designer? Maybe God? What were the raw materials and where did the designer get them and how did he put them together? No answer for this as yet.

I vote for God
I vote for chemicals
I vote for Intelligent Design
I have no answer and I am only writing to get points which you probably won't give me.
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Creation or chemicals or?
11 Opinion