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Stopping wars and hate and exchange them with love and compassion
We have something to look forward to with President Trump as our President again because he didn't have one war during his last presidency and I am positive he will do everything in his power to end the wars that are going on right now.
They wouldn't have ever happened if he had been our President for the past 4 years and that is so sad because thousands of people have died in vain and countries have been destroyed and flattened to the ground. Beautiful buildings that were a thousand years old are all gone now!
Thankfully we do still have SOME compassionate people left in the world 🌎 and they are the ones helping other people who have recently been devastated by the fires 🔥 in California and the destructive hurricanes in the South - Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and so many other states that were affected by these hurricane's.
Thankfully there are good Christian people who are the Lord's helpers and the number of people turning to Jesus is growing substantially as of late.
At least we are moving in a positive direction now that President Trump will be taking care of us once again.
Even President Trump has recently professed to be a Christian now.
Since he is our leader in America perhaps more people will follow him and become Christians and spread peace and love around the world. 🌎
I hope so
Thanks for the mho 🙂
Wish I could change stupid people and they're stupid ideas.
greed... that's the root of so many issues around the world
Actual peace on earth and working together with other countries!
Though it will never happen!
We could reduce the world population by 10%
The disproportion of wealth.
OFF switch on INTERNET worldwide.
I don't wish for that because the internet is the only way I am able to stay in touch with a very special friend of mine who doesn't live in America like I do.
Hatred that people have for others
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