Would you date a psychedelic drug user?

So, this occurred to me quite recently. I always espouse that I am a drug user - I'll answer questions as a drug user, and I'll identify as a drug user. And I am! I mean, I am. Recreational drugs such as marijuana, uppers, downers, 'screamers, laughers', etcetera etcetera. And I'm not opposed to amphetamines, stimulates or opiates, thought I haven't come across them yet.

But the thing is, recreational drugs aren't really my primary pursuit. They're fun and all, but it's not what I'm *really* about. I'm really into psychedelic drugs, entheogens especially. These drugs aren't fun, for the uniniated - well... They can be in small amounts, but generally, drugs like DMT or Salvinorin A compounds are to be taken with the most extreme seriousness. They've been used in religious ceremonies and for divinatory purposes for centuries, and all sorts of indigenous magic, particularly in Shamanism.

And it occurred to me... There are a lot of people, the psyche-focused, who don't care at all for recreational drugs, but will routinely take these kinds of drugs, for their traditional effects in terms of preternatural knowledge and wisdom - much like meditation or prayer. Those who want to see the outer reaches of what the mind can do, from either a spiritual or scientific perspective.

And it made me think... What would the average GAG user, who are generally vehemetly against drug use, think of that? Someone who takes these drugs, alone or with another like-minded type, once or twice a month at most, for whatever reason they have? These drugs are non-addictive, generally legal, and unless you're like them, they'd have no reason to take them around you, 'cos you'd just get in the way.

Would you date a person like this?

And I'm not asking about myself, even though there's a part of me in that, I am a recreational drug user and I don't even date, so, I mean... Answer in a *general* sort of sense, ahaha. It's an opinion poll more than a lobby for advice, yeah?
Would you date a psychedelic drug user?
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