So I got the idea that maybe if I go back, I could leave my number for him on the receipt?
What's a guys general thoughts on a girl who would do that?
People are so godamn annoying with their comments on this question. Who says GUYS are the only ones allowed to pull the first move out. I doubt he's gonna think it's a turn off, I completely agree with the guy below lol . . it will definitely BOOST his ego for the rest of the night & if he is available . . I am sure he will give you a call or a text. Especially if he remembers you from the night before. It's not a big deal. I hope he calls you back though, but even if he doesn't . . . it was an attempt & there's plenty of other hot waiters you can try it out on again lmao (;
most guys I know tell me that girls doing stuff like that isn't exactly a turn off, but it's usually the thing a guy would do, yano the guy's usually the one to try to win the girl
so seeing girls doing this roll is kind of funny to them haha
i would talk to him more first. just don't try too hard, be friendly/charming like you'd be with any other person and show him you exist. if he remembers you next time you come that's a good sign
It depends he could ignore it like the user below said or he could take and might just be in for a one night stand. If he's hot he's likely to be getting a lot of attention
I'm all for it. There isn't enough women who are willing to make the first move on a man due to the overwhelming pressures of cultural society on women. Anything that eliminates the subtle mind games and uncertainty is a good thing. Just go for it and let it be known of your intentions.
There are too many men out there (myself at the top of the list) who would do the most unspeakable sick ass graphic sh*t to gain a woman's attention in this way. Especially from a hottie as yourself. The have's and the have-not's...
Well, you definitely made his day, now what's his next move is going to be only he knows. I would be happy and would pat my self on the back for being there at the right time lol and then I would call her back of course.
Happens all the time if he's hot. If he's interested he will call.
My brother in law when he was a bartender got a note from an older woman suggesting he go back to her place where she'd drizzle his entire body with honey then lick it off, that kind of note probably creates more 'general thoughts' then a phone number.
Its not that weird, what you're suggesting.
My friend models and bartends so naturally he get this a lot. If your waiter does get this a lot I'm sure he's used to it by now and many girls have been in the same position you're in. I'd be careful that he isn't just in it to screw you (like my friend is) unless that's the only thing you're looking for.
Sadly I always get female waiters lol...
I definitely think you should go for it, the worst thing he could do is not call.
thing is servers and waiters get hit on all the time so he's used to this kind of thing and he might already have a girlfriend/boyfriend who knows
but there is nothing wrong with leaving a # but don't expect a reply
"Haha, I'll show this to the others, and then we'll laugh." You're not original so that automatically drops you to "kind of awkward, know nothing about you, but if I get horny I'll consider it."
k pal, I actually wasn't horny. he was pretty cute, and in the conversation we did have he was really funny and seemed like a nice guy so why not give it a try?
i can see from how you answered this question that you must hang strictly around girls who's only reason to interact with men is to get laid.
That's a good idea but make it clear to him that you left your number on the receipt.
There is always a chance he may not even notice it.
Before leaving you can say something like,
"Call me sometime".
Handing him the receipt.
He would probably have his ego strongly boosted for the rest of the night...and he'll call you if he's single and available. :)
I would call you back. Good chance he'd be flattered.
That was always my dream as a server, sadly I only got 2 numbers and they were from old women.
If you did that? I'd ring you on my break... It's cute.
He would probably be flattered and if he was interested, would definitely call you.
If he is interested,maybe he will contact you...if not then...
If a girl did that to me I'd like it lol if I liked her I'd call.
I wanted to try that but what if he doesn't notice
Do it and update the question
I've left my number on receipts or female waitresses.
They never called.
I would flip (in a good way)... I would love it :)
He would be flattered.
Maybe flattered.
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