Alpha male suppresses feminist


Alpha male suppresses feminist

The biggest problem you have in your relationships (or lack of them) is that you are spending too much time blaming other people for your problems, labeling other people, and generally assuming the worst of the opposite sex.

You are an insecure asshole who is demonizing other people to make up for your own lack of personality, moral subtance, and underdeveloped character. You are so lacking in courage and virtue that you can't look yourself in the mirror and see your flaws (or you imagine and exaggerate them--that too being a form of vanity).

Cut the shit. Stop blaming other people for your problems. Assess yourself realistically. Find out where you are weak and make a plan to fix it. Find out where you are strong and amplify it.

"But the patriarchy/matriarchy..."

Shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear you whine.

Get off your ass, stop the bitching, fix yourself.

Cultivate a good attitude toward the opposite sex.

Get laid.

Problem solved.

Alpha male suppresses feminist
1 Opinion