Being too picky with girls Part 2

How do I find the right one suited to me when each human is a unique individual and there is a pool of 3.5 billion females roaming this planet? It’s not like a jigsaw where it’s easy to fit the pieces from the outwardly shape. You both might be hippies but hippies are also individuals when you peel the layers.

Being too picky with girls Part 2

This is one of those questions that you can ponder from different angles, trying to get your head around it, comparing the pros and cons, and still not be able to arrive at a perfectly sound answer. And if you dig philosophically you might find yourself in a maze without an exit.

Being too picky with girls Part 2

Lets look at a case where you are in the dating scene and got the phone number for...

A) A boring but stable girl a homely nice next door neighbour type of girl.

B) An interesting but unreliable girl you don`t know you what’s going happen next with her you can come back from work to hear a voice mail saying to pick her up at the police station or at the ED in hospital.

In that case the question loses its inherent ambiguity. My instant answer, at least in my own head, is "Neither one sounds good." After all, why would you want to go out with someone who you're already perceiveing as boring? And, as for the other one, if you're picking up signs of unpredictability and being all over the place so early on, what's up? Why not look for someone who's safe, nice, exciting and interesting?

In other words…Why settle?

Being too picky with girls Part 2

Being a compromising and settling person is a must for a successful guy.
You would have to be if you are for example in business of selling cars if you not going to lower the price a bit you will have most customers walking away from the pitch. So it’s a must have quality generally in life.

"Time is like a sword if you don`t cut with it will cut you"

But with finding the right romantic relationship, it's different. When people compromise their standards, they do so because of loneliness (e.g. "I really want to be with someone"), time pressure (e.g. "I'm getting older, and time is not my friend"), and opportunity cost (e.g. "If I say 'No' to this one, I may not be able to find someone better.") It comes down to fear: the fear of being lonely, the fear of running out of time, and the fear of missing out on an opportunity. And then it's no longer about who I'm dating, but it becomes about what I stand to lose. Dating takes on the feeling of a chore.

You are cutting your losses sort of speaking…

Being too picky with girls Part 2

So who is my miss perfect?

It can be difficult to pin down because a lot of times we don't even take the time to ask ourselves what we really want.

We all don't want to be perceived as shallow and materialistic…

A lot of times people don't like thinking about the physical qualities. "I don't want to be shallow." But physical attractiveness is not just about looks, it's about how the person is coming across. If the person's nice but there's no attraction, well, they might make for a really nice friend, but it wouldn't be fair to you or to them to pretend you're feeling it.

Being picky is not just about the initial asking out part, it's about the entire process of getting to know someone. And that's why being aware of former patterns in relationships comes in. If in the past I used to date people who had a quick temper, then let me make sure this time that this person doesn't show signs of being curt or easily angered.

Being too picky with girls Part 2

To summarise part 2…

Finding the perfect person for you is an inward and outward journey you are the driver and passenger at the same time. You would have to understand yourself really well building on all the experiences you had and to arrive at your perfect type. See it like a Ph.D. where someone has done 4 years of hard work to arrive at a single answer for a scientific question.
You owe it yourself to know what you want so you can get the most out of a relationship...

Being too picky with girls Part 2

P.s. stay in tuned for part3 !

Being too picky with girls Part 2
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