A Love Letter To An Undiscovered Lover..


A love letter to a undiscovered lover..

I really want to write a love letter, but do not have a lover atm. So I decided to write it here :-)

Dear Future Lover,
I yearn for you. I can't wait to love you. I can't wait to to just sit with you for hours cuddled up in my arms. I can't wait to whisper into your ear. I can't wait to make you scream with pleasure. I love you. The way you walk. The way you smile. The look in your eyes when I hold you close. I love how your hand fits in mine.
You are to me a beautiful work of art. I am crazy about your body. How it moves. How it curves. Every part of you adds up to a masterpiece. It drives me crazy. The little bit of somach that shows when you take off your jacket. All of you inspires passion in me. A lust for a romance beyond just words, but in action.
I admire the beauty of who you are. I love the jokes you tell. I love how you are inspired by music and art. I love how inelligent you are. I love butting heads with you. I watch you interact with the world around you and fall in love over and over again.
I know if I loved you now my words would flow ever more freely and gracefully from me. You are not here not yet, but I anticipate your arrival. I think about you all the time. I wonder just exactly what kind of women you will be. Other women pale in comparison to you, because I love you.

A Love Letter To An Undiscovered Lover..
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