Battling the Hate and Redefining "The Player"

For those of you that read my last take, you will notice that it rather unsurprisingly attracted quite a bit of negative attention. If you haven't read it, you can check it out here:

In particular, read the comments section. Some of the comments were actually pretty good, but most of them were personal attacks of some kind.

Battling the Hate and Redefining "The Player"

The eloquence of many of these comments truly is astounding.

Now, I have noticed somewhat of a recurring pattern on GaG and I would like to remind everyone that personal attacks do not form a legitimate argument. I may or may not be the most pathetic guy on GaG, however, the fact that you have said that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.

In fact the same people that are going on about calling me bitter and a hater are the same people that go on to rage about the take. I will very soon address some of the issues that were present in the take, which I admit there were a few. In particular it didn't really communicate my point in the way I had envisioned and for some reason people got the impression that I had decided to become a manipulator and liar. That is not what I meant.

The real issue is that of shifting societal goals which are putting stress on relationships. Another issue that I touched on slightly was my feeling that male emotions often go suppressed leading to a form of frustrated insanity that few seem to really understand. This is exacerbated further by the aforementioned societal shifts. In other words, relationships/career success (which for men are very much hand in hand) impose a very challenging rock and hard place for young men. The end result is that relationships (and the pain that comes with them and finding them) really aren't worth it and concentrating on purely physical goals is a useful or almost necessary means of staying sane and actually achieving relationship and career success.

Battling the Hate and Redefining "The Player"

The end result, is the "player." The guy that doesn't want a relationship. In my mind the player is not necessarily the guy that deceives and manipulates women. Some may definitely do that, whereas others really aren't interested in relationships which causes women to perceive their behavior as manipulative if they don't mean it in that way.

All of this will be elaborated upon in the next entry. But seriously, if you're going to comment, think of something more useful to say than "Ohhh ... you're just pathetic... and butthurt... and bbbitter ... and you're going to commit a massacre someday (?) " Not cool bros.

Talk to you soon.

Battling the Hate and Redefining "The Player"
Post Opinion