Lesson from Philando Castile's Death: Pick a Good Girlfriend


Perhaps I'm the only one that thought of this, but Castile, that black guy who got shot and killed during a traffic stop, gave us all a very important lesson during his death...

Pick a quality girlfriend!


Perhaps I'm the only person who thought of this, because I expect any girl I'm with to have my back and care.

Let's ignore the political issue for a moment. You're at some location with your beloved... and you get shot several times. Your beloved is right there, and not restricted in movement, apparently. (If you can get your phone out and start livestreaming, you're not frozen with your hands on your head, duh.)

So you get shot, your beloved is directly next to you... what do they do? Panic and start losing their mind because you might die? Maybe they are holding your head and trying to console you, sobbing? Maybe they managed to remain collected, and even remember the lesson from every action movie... put pressure on the gunshot wound? (If you need me to post a link to prove this, you clearly have never watched an action movie. Or TV show.) But I will oblige with an example.

No. Imagine you're bleeding out, your beloved is next to you, they managed to remain calm and collected... and instead of doing something like try to reassure you, or put pressure on the wound while talking to you and telling you they love you...

They decide to Facebook stream it. And in an amazingly calm tone. I'm a little impressed. I've been in situations, working security, where I thought I might get beat down, and staying calm took a little bit of focus. This woman just saw her boyfriend get shot... and she has the presence of mind to take out her phone, begin livestreaming, and set the narrative! Like an attorney! Watch the video. She sets her claim immediately that he's licensed to carry... that the police officer had asked him to produce ID... that her boyfriend only was going for his license... and then the cop murdered him. I'm an Accredited Legal Professional with the National Association of Legal Secretaries, and I am impressed. She started narrating and set grounds for a lawsuit, with remarkable calm.

Now imagine you're in his place, the guy bleeding out. You've been shot. Your dearly beloved is right next to you... lucky they didn't lose their calm when you got shot... and instead of trying to console you, or trying to help you... they are sitting next to you narrating to facebook video posting.

Talk about an epic fail in choice of girlfriend! If I am ever out with a female companion and I get shot... stabbed... hit by a car... anything more serious than a sprained ankle, she better act like Oliver Queen does in this scene. I don't care if it's a second date, if I get hurt and the woman acts as calm as Castile's girlfriend, she better hope I don't survive!

So take this lesson from Castile: date well. Find a beloved who would either be horrified and crying if you were badly wounded, or horrified and urgently trying to save you as you're oozing blood. Castile picked wrong and the last thing he heard as he was dying was his girlfriend setting grounds for a lawsuit to cash in on his death!

Lesson from Philando Castile's Death: Pick a Good Girlfriend
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