Girls Really ARE From Venus and Honestly, I Need a Translator

Girls Really ARE From Venus and Honestly, I Need a Translator

I don't get it, okay?

I've tried, I swear. I've tried interpreting your subtlety. I've tried reading your signs and signals and motions and crazy-ass moods, and I've tried to be as understanding as humanly possible. I've tried to be exactly the guy you want me to be, only to realize that THIS girl wants a different kind of guy than THAT girl. You'd think that's just normal, right? You'd say, "Well, of course different girls have different preferences when it comes to guys." But I'm talking about complete opposites; two different girls can like guys that are on total opposite ends of the spectrum in every possible way. On top of which, the same damn girl can switch on a dime, which makes the whole situation even more impossible.

I know, I know. Everyone will just say I'm whining and I don't want to come across as bitter. I'm actually just asking for a little help. Maybe some nice girls out there can explain why they've got squirrels juggling knives in their heads, and why all guys are expected to be just fine with this disturbing fact. ...okay, sorry, that was offensive. Didn't mean that.

Girls Really ARE From Venus and Honestly, I Need a Translator

Honestly, there are times when I find it fun. It's sort of like learning about a different species and I imagine it might feel the same for girls, right? I know guys are a lot simpler but I've heard women complain all the time, and about the same thing I'm complaining about here. So obviously, there are difficulties for both sexes when it comes to communication, and especially in regards to romance and love. When we start talking about sex, then everything becomes so screwed up and ludicrous that it's like getting lost in a brier patch the size of Montana with a broken leg. There's just no escape.

There are times when the game starts to taste a little sour. I love women and I love getting to know them...mostly. And really, the majority of the time, I can look back on a failed flirtation, or failed first date, or failed sexual encounter and go, "Yep, I know exactly why it flopped." It's those times when I can't figure it out, when I just toss my hands up in the air in utter frustration and consternation; that's when I think I need psychiatric help. Or rather, not professional help, but maybe just regular ol' female assistance. Maybe me - and a lot of other guys - are just missing one simple component that would help us better understand females.

Girls Really ARE From Venus and Honestly, I Need a Translator

It's like searching for the legend to a map, a key to a lock, the code-cracker. I have this sneaking suspicion that it's being held in some fortress somewhere, guarded by an army of super women, and there's no way the secret leaves. Then again, if they really are doing that, I wonder why... Wouldn't we all be better off if we spread the knowledge around a little? I could offer a trade, if you want. I could give you girls the key to better understanding guys, and you could give us your little code book in return.

I'm just worried that it isn't a fair trade. :P

Girls Really ARE From Venus and Honestly, I Need a Translator
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