8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

Everyone ends up in one of these. You are even sometimes blinded by the ''joy'' they give you. Those relationships (dating or friendships) suck the life out of you, it's better to leave as soon as possible before you get in too deep.

Here are 8 hints that means you may be in a toxic relationship:

1. Passive agression

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship
Let's not lie everyone gets a little passive agressive, but always being in that horrible state with another person isn't worth it.

2. Avoiding

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

''No, it's just that we don't want to see each other... for maybe like a week?'' Taking breaks every two weeks won't help, it'll postpone the problem but you'll have to take care of it at one point.

3. They want you all to themselves.

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

At first it's cute it seems like they really love you. But at some point they get mad that you don't want to be with them all the time or that you got a new you friend and they are ''taking you from them''. It's a red flag dear stay woke!

4. Jealousy here, jealousy over there and a little more over here.

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

Were human it's normal that we sometimes want what others have, but excessive jealousy is never okay. They can't stand it when you're in a happy relationship or when you got a promotion or when you're happy. Run, Forest, run!

5. Reminiscing on the past memories and never thinking of the future.

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

There's nothing wrong with thinking of the good ol' days, but when they start bringing sadness along you know something is wrong.

6. Back stabbing

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

''Well, Becky told me, that John told her, that Sarah told her, that y'all weren't friends anymore.'' You always seem to be the last one to know you have a problem with them. How is that even possible?

7. Everything is always dramatic.

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

''Wait, you didn't remember that I was on a gluten-free, lactose-free, protein-free, veggie-free diet?! You're dead to me!'' or '' I can't believe you're not coming to my Christmas eve-eve-eve-eve party! Can't you just cancel work? I knew you never cared about me!'' First off, no one likes getting screamed on so if they can't control themselves, it's a big no-no.

8. You're not happy with him/her

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship

Faking smiles a lot? Are they even worth it? Yeah, I didn't think so.

If someone is lighting all those flags on fire, run as quick as you can because no one is allowed to ruin your life they are. Stay in healthy relationships only.

8 Signs You Might be in a Toxic Relationship
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