10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

you all know how important looks and presence is to attract a mate but these alone won't draw in the people you want around you. as for all Men this thread is not to be generalized most of it comes from personal experience and preferences. Words done quick let's start (sorry I didn't want to make it that long)

1. How does she treat the people around her?

simple and logic. would you really want to be with someone who has senseless toxic behavior towards everyone else but you? I wouldn't because that fire could burn me too someday.

2. Is she able to have a discussion about something that bothers her?

..or when she is pissed. I feel like this is important because with the intention of being together for a long time, conflicts can happen and worst that could happen is when you can't talk about it or your partner is a dickhead

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

3. No quick accusations

"what did you just say? you just can't accuse someone did something bad without evidence". I'll let it sink but don't push it or it'll be doomsday

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

4. Don't describe yourself or presume what's not there

-"I am not that kind of girl/guy" (and similar like "all the girls out there are dressing and acting like hoes and I am not")

denial of oneself is a poor trait that many humans make, a mistake technically. it's easy to read through when someone starts a denial pledge on you, most of the times it flows through conversation when you meet someone new. describing oneself can often backfire.

-"Imma check your emails to see if you cheated on me"

the point is that when you project an issue on someone else more often than not you are projecting yourself. even if this is not the case and the woman herself is loyal it's a form of accusation (Number 3). in this example the woman is a known cheater.

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

5. Don't judge

this one is especially for me the case. I have many facades and if you are quick to "put me in a box" there is no way I would have/give you the chance of getting to know me better. also judging people easily means you are in no way going to be friends with any of my friends. you "put me in a box"? No. you've"put yourself in a box" limiting the amount of nice people you could get to know.

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

6. Humour and a naive state of mind

there is no need of being funny or even trying. having a sense of humour means better understanding me because I often tend to even humour the most serious topics to make them less exhausting on me.

a naive state of mind comes together with the elements of humour which means not putting too much weight on life and what happened before.

if you have been cheated in the past forget about it, if you've been abused forget and start a new it will open the door you've once closed, you have to deal with the feelings which is a big stone but you'll be rewarded in the process. see the guy before you as the first guy you've ever met and you may get surprized with an awesome experience.

a little controversary on the other hand isn't it?

7. Forgiving and hatred management

you know how pleasant it is to be near someone who's happy and can share it's energy with you. someone with a bad mood makes you feel uncomfortable on the other hand.

despite all you've been through there is no need for anyone who doesn't want to know, to feel what you felt. I find it important for you as a person to not put a burden on other peoples shoulders or increase the set of problems they already deal with.

8. The obvious monogamous

I'm old fashioned

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl

9. Enjoys what I enjoy and open for new stuff

this is no biggie actually I don't care about this one much

just came home drunk from last nights club experience, I love dancing and swimming.

she doesn't need to swim with me or dance or go to a club but for example.just go outside at night, sit on a bank, music on and stare at the moon together. I would be open to doing new stuff that I consider sane activities.

10. Cares about you

obvious. you don't need to say I drank too much or fill my head with the fact I did something stupid I could've died at. it's easy to see how much you care about me described in your face. words are just there to express it even further but know when it's enough


here's a reward for coming all the way down here

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl


oh my god so much text I am afraid of long texts sry guys n girls.

hell I didn't even manage to put up everything I wanted to and my brain stopped working midway. despite look at how dumbed down it is I took away all depth to decrease the amount of text, took away most of personal experiences and whatever else I wanted to get out of my heart when typing.

really there is too much to cover for 1 mere individuals preferences .. I just forgot what I wanted to type again.

oh yea important I hope y'all could take at least one of these into consideration I don't mean .. I am still getting sober my head is daft right now. .. yea I wrote this with the intention of showing what I like on a girl but it's also meant to be what I like on anyone I like..

well I may add a part 2 when I am not that broken in my head. I couldn't cover all of it as I missed most parts of what I want a womans presence to be but let's not overdo the work

Last I wanna share some guy from youtube who reflects a lot of what's going on in my mind.

10 Personality Traits I Look For in a Girl
Post Opinion