6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!


Hey! It’s your boy Hal. It’s been long since I’ve written a mytake so here I am. You got a girlfriend? You wanna make her happy? Don’t know how to maintain her? Here’s something you might like. Well although this take is mainly for guys, girls might relate too. And do check how much this list matches “your” list of what you wanna hear from your boyfriend😛 So let’s start-

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

1) She cooks great- Cooking is somewhat stereotyped for a female. It’s an essential part of household and often it is taken lightly but actually, cooking is quite a different task. Your lady spends hours preparing a meal you’d like and at the end of the day, if you critcize her cooking skills telling her how she forgot to add something or the food doesn’t taste perfect, she’s surely gonna feel bad. Put yourself at her place and think further. You should thank her instead and tell her that she makes delicious food. Even when the food doesn’t always taste mouth-orgasmic.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

2) She looks beautiful- Who doesn’t enjoy being called “beautiful”? And the pleasure becomes double when it’s from someone you really love. Go on, don’t be a miser in complimenting her. Tell her how stunning she looks when she puts on that one dress in her wardrobe. Tell her that makeup or no makeup, she just increases your heartbeat everytime she comes across. Pro Tip- No fake compliments. Say what you actually feel about her.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

3) You’ll be always there for her- No matter how super independent your girlfriend is, trust me this is gonna make her really happy. It’s not something like as if you think she isn’t anything without you. Everyone needs a support system- some backbone. Be that backbone for her. Tell her how much she means to you and no matter what you’ll be always by her side. Just say it and watch that broad grin of satisfaction on her face.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

4) Her best qualities- Tell her what you like about her. Give her the reasons why you’re with her. What’s behind all those lovely vibes that you get from her? Everyone loves it when you tell them how unique and magnificent they are. Appreciate her all the way for whatever she does for you. She deserves it anyways.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

5) You made a plan with her- Don’t make it so boring. Take her out every once in a while. Some movie, a nice date, some romantic hangout, anywhere! More preferably a place she loves. Make it special. It really thrills a girl when she comes to know that you made a plan for her. She ponders how much you care about her. It’s one of the ways to show your affection towards her.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

6) You love her- Cliché, huh? No matter how old-school this sounds but this 70s trick always seem to work. Sometimes, it’s really important to spice things up, play it like you both were new to this. The fragrance of a newly made relationship is sweet in it’s own way. Explore her again like never before and all it starts from is “I love you”.

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!

So that was all for this time!

Thanks for reading😊

See ya soon❤️

6 Things That Every Girl Loves to Hear From Her Man!
49 Opinion