Love is a State of Mind in Which One Becomes Comfortable With Being Vulnerable Around a Specific Person


Love for many centuries, millennia even has been a concept humanity has experienced and tried to define for centuries. Some see love as a feeling, some as a material thing perhaps, some as a chemical reaction in our brain (Rick Sanchez, from Rick and Morty). As a Fleetwood Mac fan, I'm proud to say that in one of their songs from the album Rumours (Rihannon) Stevie Nicks brings the definition of love to my attention once again. If you listen closely, you will hear at the end of the song: "Dreams unwind, love's a state of mind". That is where the initial idea came to mind for this MyTake.

Taking 'love is a state of mind' as a starting point, I develop the thought, by adding that it's a state of mind that consists in being able to be comfortable being vulnerable around a certain person or being. In other words, when you fall in love, or are in love, you put yourself in a vulnerable position because you let your guard down, you let the other person see the soft, sensitive part of the psyche and the emotional realm or "dimension".

What love really means, if we take this line of thought into consideration, is the ability to let go of your mask, letting go of the shell that keeps you inside a box that you call "personality" or "self-image" or "pride" also broadly put: "Ego" It's the same mechanism that makes us want to put everything into boxes, rationalize, call names, put names. This box, "ego" is all that which is caused by resistance to accepting what IS, and feeling the need to have what COULD BE. And I don't believe this is easy. We all have our mechanism, and we all want to "understand" by putting our guidelines, our "rules".

Love is a State of Mind in Which One Becomes Comfortable With Being Vulnerable Around a Specific Person

Love, then, is a state of mind without ego? Yes. Definitely. What does that mean then? Oh, that's a very good question. In order to love, really love, kill yourself. What killing yourself is understood as here is the killing of your persona. Kill your self image, because, after all, in a real relationship where love is real, what need do you have for it? What purpose does it serve? Of course this is very idealistic, and idealism is pretty important in doses. Without dreams, what would we be? What we can realistically achieve, however, is an acceptance of the self, love thy self but in contradiction, love thy death.

Love is a State of Mind in Which One Becomes Comfortable With Being Vulnerable Around a Specific Person

I am a grain of sand,

become a desert,

then become a grain of sand again.

In real love, there's nothing to defend.

Disclaimer: Ego isn't equal to values, values remain forever, ego doesn't. Ego here is understood in the purely Freudian sense. I put this MyTake under "other" because I believe that the categories here don't do the feeling of real love justice. Love is too delicate and gentle for that.

Love is a State of Mind in Which One Becomes Comfortable With Being Vulnerable Around a Specific Person
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