Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''


1. If this happens because you want the man to show more efforts to reach you, it is nonsense because simply no man will ever make efforts for a girl who don't care about him and act like she barely notices him.

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

2. A lot of men believe the fact that (a girl who isn't showing interest = future painful rejection) so with other simple words: the man will only fight and try harder for something that is only possible to happen in the future because no one will ever want to involve in a lost battle ... I am leaving

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

3. If you think that this makes you cuter or more interesting I mean like a challenge for him and you are the princess, that is simply not reality because if reaching your heart was hard then staying in your heart is harder and no man with a brain will take that risk except the boys who see you as exactly like what you wanted ... a challenge they have to win not anything else then don't cry and come saying that you were just a game for him, you wanted that and you both were playing

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

4. Behind all these walls you are building, a lot of men thinks that there is a frightened little girl hiding behind it, a girl full of doubts and insecurities and the worse part of that is that I don't know anything about that girl so I don't have a chance to understand you or telling you what you truly are for me

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

5. If you think that making him struggle more will make him appreciate you more and value you that is wrong because a true man respect principles, feelings and needs, not a bunch of girls` non-sense judges of him or herself so a true man who loves you will give you all the time you need to love and understand him but only if you already give him that chance

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

6. You are losing a lot of chances with nice and serious guys who actually see you much more than a game they have to go through, by placing barriers in front of one man can mean that you blocking the way for maybe be what is better for you.

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

7. Everyone has flaws and mistakes but love makes you see your girl as the perfect creature but by acting that way you blind him from seeing you like what you truly are which is the perfection for him and the worse thing that by such action you forcing him to be more than what he is, imagining that this is the only way to make you notice him but actually neither of you knows what the other truly is so simply you are getting in relationship as two completely different persons and let me tell you something ... it will never work that way.

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

8. Always remember that man will only make you '' the princess '' if you make him '' the prince '' not by controlling him and make him running behind you like a dog (respect is more important than love).

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

9. Life is short and painful enough for everyone so please stop building walls in front of people who are just trying to love you ... it is completely illogical and a waste of time.

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''

10. Whatever you think you have beauty, fortune, six pack ...etc someday you will lose it all or it won't matter to you any longer and in the other hand whatever you think that your partner will give or do for you someday he/she will stop that or maybe they won't have the ability to do it anymore so simply one day you will only have each other ( and that time it should be more than enough )

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''


Note: I was talking to girls in this article but I am truly aware that this an act of both guys and girls but we are here just because it is the majority of cases and I believe it is more common between girls comparing to us.

This is my first myTake ever I hope you like it and forgive me if there are any mistakes because I am not a native speaker and maybe you could rate my English too.

Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments.

God bless you all

Everything is Wrong Behind the Philosophy of ''Playing Hard to Get''
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