Powerlessness and How It Sucks

Powerlessness and How It Sucks

I'm currently in a LDR for those who know, and I'm pretty sure she'll be reading this.

Being in a relationship where you cannot have any form of physical contact (hugs, cuddles, kisses, even sex) is very fucking hard (especially for me who just loves to hug and cuddle). The thing is I'm okay with throwing my comfort out the window for a year because I need to finish my studies and get my first job. The thing is even though I talk to her every day, even though I share how I feel and how hard it is without her I can't do much else : I feel trapped.

I know she feels down sometimes just like I do, probably even worse than me, and that's where the frustration starts : I can't help her. I can only tell her things, I can say that I love her, that I will see her, that I will hold her in my arms and never let go again..... but I can't do much else.

Feeling like you want to do more but you're hitting a wall that you can't get through is without question one of the worst feeling's I've ever felt, realizing that despite all your best intentions, despite all your efforts, despite all the intense feelings you have for your SO nothing will get past that invisible wall.

Powerlessness and How It Sucks

So what do you do ? What do I do ? I send her letters, I send her gifts, I try to plan trips to see her, I talk to her every day to remind her that I love her, that I'm here for her, that even though we live 1500 + kilometers from each other for now it won't stay that way forever, that I want to build something with her even if it's scary........ but that's pretty much all I can do.....

Powerlessness and How It Sucks

Just like Sisyphus's torment, pushing a boulder to the top of a mountain, only to see it roll down the other side, I feel crushed under this emotional weight, and it could go away so easily if I held her hand, made her laugh or simply cuddled.

I take my mind off it, I play guitar, I talk to my friends, I watch our old videos where we were together, I look at our old pictures we took, I cherish every moment I ever was in her presence... and hope that this year will pass as fast as possible....

Short myTake sorry.

Powerlessness and How It Sucks
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