10 foolproof signs he loves you!


Have you ever wondered if your partner truly loves you or not? Don't know if he's showing real emotions? There are tons of woman who worry about whether their boyfriend is the right one for them.

Well fret not because here are the 10 signs that your significant other does and this is no bullshit!

1.) He sends you text messages or knows how to keep a conversation going.

Of course actions speak louder than words, but when your man greets you a good morning or good night, it's a sign that he cares for you. When you least expect it, he sends sweet TMs, memes or those one liners just to impress you. And the best part is, he knows how to keep your conversation going.

2.) He's chivalrous from time to time.

Despite your independence, he insists on opening the door for you or pulling the chair for you. He's there when you need him and asks for nothing in return. He doesn't want to see you having a hard time so he insists on helping you. He's a knight in shining armor even though you're not a damsel in distress and there's nothing greater than that right?

3.) He makes an effort to be a better man for you.

When your boyfriend loves you, he would want to improve himself. Be a better version of himself for you so that he can prove to you that he's worth loving. A man of love will work on his own flaws just for you. When he makes a mistake, he apologizes and takes responsibility for it rather than having too much pride. He makes himself grow and never forgets where he came from.

4.) He respects you.

Respect is the utmost pre-requisite for love and without respect, there would be no relationship. A guy respects you for who you are and what you do when he loves you with all his heart. He accepts your flaws and doesn't take it against you. He doesn't force you to do things on his terms and he respects your decisions. He treats you like another individual and lets you grow as well.

5.) He's patient with you or forgiving.

Similar to 4, no matter how many mistakes you made, he's willing to forgive you and doesn't hold a grudge against you. He's willing to talk it out with you or work with you on your relationship problems through thick and thin. A good boyfriend won't ever doubt you just because you have shortcomings because he knows that people make mistakes and that they can learn from it. He's also patient when you need space as well.

6.) He allows you to be yourself when you're with him.

A loving man will bring out all the positive things about you and will thank his lucky stars that he found a woman like you. He reminds you of your self-worth and he's the person to tell you that you should never settle for the bare minimum. Your partner fell in love with the real you so he isn't willing to change you for his own gain. No matter how few the values you guys share, he will always appreciate your similarities and differences.

7.) He misses you, yet gives you time for yourself.

He won't monopolize your time as you are a human being and that you have the right to do whatever you want in life. He allows you to have time alone or time with your friends and he knows that your world isn't all about him. He will never treat you like a possession or expect you to be there for him always as you have had your own life before him. Your SO loves you when he gives you the space you need. Space is an important thing in a relationship in order for your partner to put value in your time together and also to miss you as absence makes the heart grow fonder. E.g. You have an introverted boyfriend and you're the polar opposite. While he's at home playing an online game, you're out there having a girls night out but at the same time, he checks up on you to see if you had a great night with them.

8.) He surprises you in different ways.

He gives you small presents occasionally that will remind you of the love he has for you and takes you out on places you never been. He gets spontaneous at his time and he encourages you to try new things. Your boyfriend finds many ways to impress you and makes sure that his surprises for you will be memorable. This person will give you something to cherish so that you won't ever have to look for another man again.

9.) He's genuine about his personality.

Your boyfriend isn't nice just because he has an agenda, but instead he is being authentic about his kindness and doesn't ask for anything in return. He isn't the nice guy the people call, he's being true to himself and he knows that being nice is the real him, not just because he wants something back.

10.) He's affectionate.

Whenever you get vulnerable, he comforts you and has no problem showing emotions. When your boyfriend is sad when you're sad, it just means that he loves you more than you'll ever think. You'll never doubt what he feels about you and rest assured, he's willing to support you emotionally.

All the 10 signs indicate that he loves you more that you'll ever imagine. If your boyfriend portrays some of these traits, you don't have to worry anymore because all these signs show that a person has true love for you.

So I hope this Take has helped you see if he's the right one for you. And remember, you should never settle for anything less than what you deserve! Always always know that you deserved to be loved the way you want and know your worth!

10 foolproof signs he loves you!
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