People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.

People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.

I feel like I had put up with so much shit from my first boyfriend for years because I found him so irresistibly adorable.

It may just be that I am a highly visual woman and appreciate aesthetics and beautiful things a lot and get blinded by them I mean I am a Taurean and possess all the traits of a typical Taurus so...

People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.

Some people even put it down to the fact that I may just be super horny BUT It’s more than just being horny because although I have a very high sex drive I rarely feel like I would want to bang someone as in just anyone. I’m picky. Very picky.

People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.

However, that pickiness seems to just be that I have a really particular type when it comes to physical appearance of the men I like. They tend to have dark hair, dark eyes, sharp noses, strong maxillas and high cheekbones + thick brows. They also never tend to be below 5’9.

Since a lot of men seem to be willing to fuck anything that moves it makes me think they’re not as visual as they’re made out to be. For me visual means someone who is analytical about what they look at and who carefully analyses things like we analyse portraits however others may argue that men are indeed visual because just looking at a pair of breasts no matter how saggy, small or loose they are will turn them on whereas for women it doesn’t work that way. I’ve had guy friends send me pictures of some very loose young girls where I was pretty appalled by their choices.

Women are definitely more picky about whom they settle down with because financial stability is something that is just drilled into a girl’s minds from childhood so they might compromise on attraction slightly for comfort if that is their priority but it doesn’t mean they find the guy attractive.

As far as conventional factors for beauty go, for women the required features are things like a v-shaped and small jaw, a small nose, big almond shaped eyes, high and arched brows, full apples of the cheek - basically a heart shaped face, flawless skin, thick hair, plump lips and an hourglass body however almost all men settle for women who don’t have these features.

For men it is things like having thick brows, a strong square shaped maxilla and high cheekbones.

More women look for tall and handsome flings when they’re just screwing around than men who’ll even have sex with a not so good looking girl whilst he’s goofing around.

So aren’t we all visual in our own ways? Or perhaps it’s an individual thing. Some people are not as fussed by physical appearance.

People on GAG seem to think men are solely visual creatures but I disagree. I think it depends in the person.
Post Opinion