
A word of caution to parents


Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, and while a lot has happened, the thing I want to share with you all the most is a word of caution when it comes to raising your kids and the way you treat them as they grow up.

My Background

My dad wanted kids, my mom didn't. She eventually caved, was a stay at home mom until I started school and then went back to work. For as long as I can remember, I knew that she never wanted us and that she hated the fact that we had "ruined" her life. She loves me regardless, but she can't show it. I was raised in a middle class family that managed their money very well, hence I had a lot of great experiences with my family growing up.

However, currently, we barely have any relationship at all. I know that they wonder why, or they probably haven't realised yet what they've done, what I'll never be able to forgive, so I'll enlighten you so you hopefully don't make the same mistakes.

Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash
Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

#1 Your Love can never be conditional

... Or you shouldn't have kids, it's as simple as that. My Parents always tied their love to certain conditions, the most important one being that I share their religion, even as I grow up, mature, start thinking for myself and experiencing the world my way. While I stuck to their condition for 18 years, I couldn't after I had realised that their religion was a cult. I still haven't left officially, as this would mean that my parents would no longer be allowed to talk to me, and I'm not ready for that, but honestly, this whole thing has caused a major rift in our relationship.

I know their love is conditional, they've shown me so many times, and it's something I'll never understand. They have so much love to give, that's not the problem, but they're so ready to abandon their daughter over a difference in opinion, and that, to me, is sick.

#2 Listen first, talk afterwards

Sounds simple, but I get that it can be hard to accept that your kid messed up and that you can't confront them immediately. Take a few seconds to breathe. Don't say something you'll regret later.

All the racist remarks I've heard from my parents were uttered in contempt, anger and rage. They still haven't met my boyfriend, they still don't know anything about him, but they still have so many opinions. It saddens and angers me.

I've grown more and more protective of my life and my business over time as I've realised that I'll only face negativity if I'll talk about it.

Listen, without judging. Criticism, feedback is fine, but make sure you say it in a calm way.

A word of caution to parents
36 Opinion