How to determine if your child is likely yours if you have doubts


I see a lot of questions regarding infidelity and I see a surprising number of men in general saying that they had no idea they were raising a child that was not theirs. As a result I present something that may catch me some flak but these are things you should know.

Now I know that many ladies get very upset when asked for a paternity test. I also know that paternity testing is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the west. However until such time as you are able to get genuine proof that the child is yours if you have doubts I and my wife would like to share with you some information that can help you. Before that please note that none of the following information should be used as a replacement for actual proof. This is just to give you an idea if you are being lied to.

Blood type indicator
Blood type indicator

This is a blood type indicator. To explain a bit how this functions for those that do not entirely understand the table. The left panel contains the mothers blood type and the top panel contains the fathers. The 16 panels in the middle contain the possible blood types for baby. 2 things to note. 1 there is a chart below that contains the positive and negative Rh factor. And 2 the outcomes are concrete it is not possible for a baby born to both O blood type parents to have anything other than O blood type nor is it possible for a baby born to B blood type parents to have A blood type.

Rh Factor
Rh Factor

This is a secondary characteristic that makes up your blood type, it like blood type is concrete. The outcomes are fixed.

This means if you know your bloodtype and your partners bloodtype any children can only have a limited bloodtypes.

In addition you can also determine eye color not a certain degree. Again please note that this is not 100% certainty this is a possible indicator as things that are rare can happen.

Eye color possibilities
Eye color possibilities

in this you can see the apx. Percent chance of your baby having 1 of the 3 most common eye colors. You can also see that some eye colors are listed as 0% that is not actual 0% it is just too small a % for it to be worth listing. For example .0000001% still possible but not worth listing. As a result this can be used to get a sense of if your girlfriend or wife is lying to you if you have doubts of course. Those who do not have doubts don't have this issue.

And lastly.

Possible Hair color
Possible Hair color

As you can see this show cases the most likely outcome for hair color of a baby based on the parents hair color in addition to the possible hair colors this one may take some time as hair color does change a bit after birth.

Once again I urge you to remember that this information is only to serve as an indicator that you may be being lied to. It is in no way a certainty (except the blood type if you and your wife/girlfriend have O- then your baby can only have O- so if it doesn't you are being lied to) and does not constitute absolute proof nor should it be used in place of absolute proof or a DNA test.

Why am I sharing this? Because you should have this information all men and women should not only is bloodtype important for you and your child it is often used as a way to save one's life should something happen so knowing your bloodtype is important. Your wife/girlfriend/ husband/ boyfriend should know it as well.

The other major reason I share this information is should you find yourself doubting or questioning if the child is yours but don't want to risk asking the paternity test and incurring the resulting vitriol that typically follows this information will allow to determine on your own how likely it is. For example if you both have brown hair, you have green eyes and your wife has blue eyes then the most likely outcome in a baby is brown hair with green or blue eyes. Possible of blonde or red hair. Unlikely but possible.

If you have A+ and your wife has A- then your baby can have the following combinations. A+, A-, O+, O-. If your baby has AB+ or - or B then you know you were cheated on.

I hope this information helps you put your mind at ease a little and remember you can ask for a bloodtype test immediately after birth at the hospital for medical reasons. It is standard that the hospital obtains this information for the babies medical records anyways.

As a last reminder in case you missed the previous ones. This information does not replace a DNA test it is not as accurate as a DNA test. This is more to help you decide if you should ask for a DNA test or not.

How to determine if your child is likely yours if you have doubts
2 Opinion