Social Media and Relationships

Social Media and Relationships

So, I use some forms of social media, mainly Facebook. I do not post often, I suppose I would be considered a "lurker." I just like to get on and look at pictures that other people post and see what others have to say. Overall, social media does not run my life and I really couldn't care less about it.

However, recently, I have spoken to several people who talked about how social media ruined their relationships and it got me thinking, how can something as simple as social media ruin someone's relationship? Then I realized, some people are very attached to their social media accounts. They check it all the time, post all the time, and spend a majority of their time using social media. For some people in relationships, this can cause feelings of insecurity and jealousy to boil over. I have even noticed this on GirlsAskGuys.

-"My boyfriend liked this other girls' picture on Instagram, does this mean he wants her?"

-"My girlfriend is still 'friends' with her ex on Facebook, does she still have feelings for him?"

I see questions like these all the time on here and for me, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why should something so silly as social media have such an impact on people's relationships? I don't think social media in and of itself is ruining relationships, it's the way people use it that is making such an impact. This strong need to be active on social media and follow everything our partner is doing is a problem. It can cause distrust and only allows the feelings of insecurity to grow.

Being active on social media is fine as long as a person doesn't allow that to control them. There has to be trust in order for a relationship to thrive. Constantly going online to see what our partner is up to will only cause issues. In my opinion, if you don't trust the person you're with, then why are you with them in the first place? That being said, certain people being sneaky about their online activity also are not helping the situation. Honesty AND trust are very important in relationships.

Another problem I have witnessed is people venting their relationship issues on social media rather than addressing that person in real life. This doesn't seem to solve the problem, it only causes more drama. People who use social media as a way of venting their frustrations rather than physically communicating with their partner are not doing their relationship any favors.

I suppose that this is something that is common in our age with things such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. popping up all over the place online. It's okay for couples to use social media, I simply think that there needs to be a healthy balance of being active on social media but also not allowing it to have so much control over our real-life relationships. So, tell me what you think.

Social Media and Relationships
Post Opinion