Do you regret ruining a good relationship?

I'm in the process of ruining my relationship with my current boyfriend and I'm regretting every minute of it. All he does is tell me how he doesn't appreciate how I acted or how I'm not open with him ect. I'm a first year teacher for a big school district and very under pressure and we are restricted to only seeing eachother on weekends.
I find myself apologizing a lot for giving him the cold shoulder or not quite listening to him. I go home and cry because I feel like I'm a bad person. I know it's a stretch and that I only act this way because I'm stressed and afraid of losing my job that I worked so hard to get.
Sometimes my boyfriend is very needy and doesn't like to hear MY problems because he feels I have nothing to complain about. Yet, he tells me his problems, I listen, sometimes give him my two cents and always very supportive. He expects me to be supporting, but he isn't very supportive of me. I don't tell him this, because I don't want him feeling bad and I know he is also stressed in his situation. From the way he speaks, it appears he has no hope and blames me for "altering" the relationship. I can't sleep with myself. I never cheated on him or did anything that he doesn't approve of, but at times quite dismissive.
I just want to know if other people feel the same way or regret the way they behaved in their relationship?
Do you regret ruining a good relationship?
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