Why do all my relationships end the same way?

Things will be going great, dating for time frame of year and ahalf to 3 years. No fights, few disagreements but nothing ever serious. Always love being together and taking care of one another. And then all three relationships the guy has said 'Its not you its me.' they need a break, when I start to walk away out of their life they come back and want to try it again.
I have said yes lets try again to the two of them.

This is where I am at on my third relationship. He left he came back and now we are super happy to be together. He says we are meant to be together, he regretted breaking up with me and that he isn't going anywhere.
However I question this because we are graduating colelge in May and I want to just be with him, but Im scared to ask if we are going to stay together or not. His family loves me and my family loves him. Why do they just walk out of my life but always come back?
Why do all my relationships end the same way?
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