My Boyfriend is being a Dick?

My boyfriend and I recently moved back into our respective family households. He hasn't been happy since, and today he stayed home from work, and texted me the entire day, complaining about literally everything we talked about. I currently have a cousin in town, who although he bugs me, I love and wanted to spend some time with. At the same time my boyfriend said he wanted to come over-- but not visit with my family. I told him if he wanted to hang out after my family left that would be fine, so that way he didn't have to worry about interacting with them, or that he could come over but I couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't still want to talk to my cousin. He then went on to pout and continue complaining. If went so far as to when I told him about an exciting job interview I have tomorrow he complained about his job, how he wanted a new one, but how he thinks applying at the place I want to work would be stupid, but he wants me to Ask my ingerviewer questions on his behalf. Just a few minutes ago I said I was craving sweets, to which he responded "I would've brought you some if you didn't chooss to spend time with your dumb cousin and look at pictures instead of with me, when I wanted to see you too" I told him that was a bullshit thing to say and that he was the one who chose not to come over regardless of my invitation. He is now throwing a fit saying he isn't being a dick and that I picked my cousin over him and blah blah blah. What do I do? He's 21-- and I feel like he should be more mature than this?
My Boyfriend is being a Dick?
3 Opinion