I get a fight with my boyfriend because of hickeys?

My boyfriend is very possessive. He always say that he loves me, but since he do boxing, he’s very violent (expect with me, he is sweet). Once he was about to break the arm of a man because he was flirting with me in a bar, I was rejecting him, told him that I had a boyfriend, but he was keep hitting on me, so he deserved that. But the thing is that my boyfriend has a kink for hickey, every week, he leave me a hickey on my back, even my legs, or my arms. I used to think that it was hot, since he sometimes asks me to leave him some hickey too. We have a very big sexual connection since we have sex twice a day, and we do really love each other, so I don’t mind him for being possessive, I do like that sometimes. Plus he’s handsome and have a good job, so he is sometime accosted by girls wich are prettier than me, once he was accosted by a hot girl, that complimented him for his abs, and he asked her if she wanna see them, but that crazy removed his shirt so she can see the hickey on his stomach. He is not ashamed anymore since he did it in front of his friends, while laughing and the girl was like wtf. But yesterday, my parents and I were about to have a dinner, at my ex boyfriend family. but when my boyfriends heard it, he wasn’t fine with that. I was about to wear a top that reveal just my neck. But when I woke up this morning I found out that this dude has leaved a lot of hickeys on my neck. And I have this dinner for tomorrow, wich mean that I will have to wear a scarf in spring! I pointed my finger on them asking for explanation, and he laughed like a fool before leaving kisses in it then I rejected him for the first time and I started yelling at him for what he has done. What should I do? Should I forgive him now? I know that his possessiveness has something to do with his past, his mom cheated on his dad, and then she leaved them for another man when he was just six years old. Is it a lack of trust against me?
I get a fight with my boyfriend because of hickeys<br />?
I get a fight with my boyfriend because of hickeys?
2 Opinion