Have you ever went to someone's house unannounced or just dropped by and knocked to see if you could talk to them? How did it go? Thoughts on it?

So I know most would say this is disrespectful/crazy whatever. I get that someone's home is their space. We all have phones and could call or text etc. I agree, it is not the greatest..
And maybe it is manipulative to do it this way knowing you may catch someone off guard and they will actually speak with you more out of obligation than want. I get that.
I have both had this done to me and done it. I have had people show up to my house after/during a fight to work it out or talk. Even times when I did not want to see them, but in the end was glad they cared.
I have also done it. One was an wx boyfriend who I dated almost 2 years.. he lived with his family but I stayed there a lot. More than at my own house sometimes. And out of nowhere he got weird and did not clearly break up with me or not break up with me and I showed up there to talk. His mom knew I was there waiting. I don't think he was the happiest about it, but he also was not that mad. I did it because I cared and also deserved to know what was going on in our relationship.
Another was also an ex who broke up with me completely out of nowhere-weirdest timing ever and just yelled at me on the phone said "it's over. Bye" and hung up. I was baffled and actually thought he was not okay. I respected him wanting to break up but felt there may have been misunderstanding. I went to his house and knocked on the door and asked if it was okay we talked since I just dropped by. He was so nice about it and we talked it out. We did not get back together, but he said he was so glad I came and that it was good to talk about it.
The situation I am considering doing this in is slightly different. I will probably get a lot of hate for it. Just wondering if it will be different being that I just respectfully wanna ask if we can talk. If they say no, I would leave and not be crazy. I maybe should respect that they are not speaking to me but I don't know why, am super worried if they are okay and also hurt and care a lot.
Have you ever went to someone's house unannounced or just dropped by and knocked to see if you could talk to them? How did it go? Thoughts on it?
2 Opinion