Girls, Would you be turned off if your boyfriend cried infront of you?

I've had a lot of stress lately and it's been a struggle. I just lost my job due to covid and my family is having a big fight that is pulling us all apart.
Last night I was on the couch with my girlfriend and resting my head on her lap. We were talking about all this stuff and I just snapped and started crying. It was embarrassing but I couldn't hold it in. She was good about it, she was just stroking my hair and hugging me.
After about 10min it passed and I actually felt better afterwards.

Its the first time I've ever cried infront of someone as an adult and I hope it has not damaged how she sees me.

Girls, would a man crying like this infront of you make you see him in a negative way?
Girls, Would you be turned off if your boyfriend cried infront of you?
4 Opinion