Have you ever had "imposter syndrome"?

Absolutely. Was just thinking this this week, actually.
Everyone I have known who is a good/great person, and typically capable, thinks this at one time or another. I like the humility of it, actually.
(Though in my case I don't call it humility. I really think I am an imposter legit sometimes.)
My most dramatic example was when I was 26 and got handed a really good job. A friend's mom knew a VP with the company who ordered us to be hired under a new trainee program. I knew absolutely nothing about the industry or what my job would entail.
Up until then, I had been a surfer, rock musician, and partier. I had to get my long hair cut and start wearing a suit for the job. The office was in a skyscraper in the center of Century City, in Los Angeles.
I didn't know how to behave around grown ups. Even when walking from my car to the office I felt like every single person on the street was looking at me and could tell that I didn't belong. I felt like a total imposter.
When I looked at myself in a mirror, I didn't recognize myself. And I no longer fit in with the kind of people who used to think I was cool.
I'm grateful for that career, but there sure was a traumatic adjustment in my life. I had to grow up. LOL
I used to have imposter syndrome. The day it changed was when I realized that many of the super competent people I work with have a great deal of respect for me. That was a very eye-opening experience for me.
I get this about once a week at work. My department is full of people at the top of their game, so definitely feel like I don't belong.
It really depends on the person, if someone's wronged me and tries to compliment me one day I usually say something like that. If it's someone I like I'll graciously accept it. The better person can demonstrate a compliment with a miss you hug or in more indirect ways knowing a compliment can be quite aggressive.
Almost all of the time :/
For example, when my trainer compliments me like, that I'm the best in the group, cuz, tehnically I am, my stremght and condition are by far the best, I'm feeling like, he's just doing it to make me feel better and it's not the truth.
No, to be honest it’s not an issue I deal with. I feel I’ve earned whatever I have accomplished, and that I deserve even more. I don’t think of myself as arrogant, I just know what I’m worth.
If you listen carefully, somewhere out there a psychotherapist had an orgasm.
Yes and it is both good and bad.
Good, because it makes you strive for more and bad because it stops you from enjoying your accomplishments.
I have slowly learned to accept and enjoy the compliments and results of my efforts but not become complacent at the same time.
Yup. Everyday if my life I feel worthless and undeserving. Probably because my father my whole life didn't do much energy trying to tell me why I'm useless.
All. The. Time.
Which is very difficult when trying to get a job...
i do in face have a horse head *takes off human face mask* neighhhhh!
it’s like a type of being overly self critical? i’m a bit of a perfectionist so i do to some degree too.
Yes, I have a job that seems like I should be very intelligent but sometimes I feel like I am just an average guy that managed to fake it.
Yep when I was younger with my Parents doing certain things.
Oh, so there's a name for it. That's been most of life.
**Most of my life
Nope. You need a real man to make you feel like a woman.
Yes, such is the consequence of involving one's self with computer science
Oh yes when I was young staying with my aunt
Yeah I've struggled with this.
Sometimes, yes. Funny picture. 😄
Had it? I invented it!
Proud to say not at all.
Yup story of my life
Yeah. I have.
Get it all the time.
All the time
Not yet
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