If you were stressed and overwhelmed, would you still like a daily text?

The man I’m dating is ridiculously stressed, to the point that I’m actually worried about him, and he has withdrawn from me (still replies to my texts, but as soon as there is a question of seeing him or a flirty text he doesn’t respond) I’m an hour away so we don’t see each other much.

I offered to come stay this week but he said he has to study as he’s going away the next weekend with his kids and will only fall further behind otherwise (I’m fine with that, I do understand) and I replied saying as much and then said I hope we can get together soon, in the meantime least try and have some texting fun, I’m sure you like to see me naked as much as I like to see you... and he never replied.

When we are together, we enjoy each other but since he’s been stressed he makes no effort and has told me I was all he thought about in the beginning and then everything in his life got hard and he can’t think about me atm.

I’m trying to be patient because I hope this will work long term but I do miss him and like to talk to him but i am always the one to initiate contact and I don’t know if he wants to hear from me everyday. (Note- it’s not like I text all day, I’ll send a text and if he replies we will have a bit of a chat but if he doesn’t respond I won’t text back all day, maybe something that night or the next morning)
If you were stressed and overwhelmed, would you still like a daily text?
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