Recently got back in contact with a woman that I really like. How do I gear up from casual conversation into telling her that I have feelings for her?

I met this woman on Instagram - we're both Voice Actors and we had a really good bond. I developed a crush on her but I didn't do anything about it and we drifted apart. After a couple of years, I recently reached out to her as a 'Hey, how are you?' kind of thing and just asked her how life and work was going. We've exchanged a few messages that have been light and friendly but I really like her and want there to be something more but I have no idea how she feels about it. I don't want to just dive in head-first and completely ruin everything but at the same time, I don't want to sit back and let a big chance go by. Also, we live in different countries and it would be long-distance if anything came of it so that adds quite a big barrier to it.

How can I take it up a notch and let her know that I like her without overdoing it?

Recently got back in contact with a woman that I really like. How do I gear up from casual conversation into telling her that I have feelings for her?
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