I have this thing where if I don’t do things or if I’m not doing things that most adults/parents are doing, I feel a rush to get those same things done right in then and there. No planning or anything, I just want it to be done. Just to feel like I’m keeping up and not out of the loop. Otherwise, I think that I must be doing something wrong. When realistically, all it means is my journey is different from theirs. I compare myself so much to people I barley even know and I find myself stuck in a loop of bad thoughts about myself.
1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I tend to be the exact opposite. I want to be different from others because that shows character and determination.
Being like others is fine but you give the impression that you don't dare to be yourself and that you have to be like the others. Dare to be different and follow your own path. That is the sign of a great personality and strength of character.
What are you afraid of by doing things differently? Are you afraid that people will judge you? are you scared that you may be seen as an outcast?
Do what you feel is part of your personality. If it is to do like others, then it is not bad either, it is just that you fit in the pattern of most people.
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6.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Some things need doing because that is part of being an adult. There are too many adults acting and thinking like big children these days, and it is really disturbing.
01 Reply- AskerNew 1 mo
I agree but my problem has never been acting or living or thinking like an adult or getting things done that most adults should get done but more so trying to keep up with other adults to not feel left. Rather than just moving along in my own journey. So, I guess in a way it is a partly childish way to think. A real adult could care less about keeping up on what other adults are doing.
- 1 mo
I feel the same. It is motivation. Just don't rush like sloppy.
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AI Opinion
Ah, the classic case of comparison-itis mixed with a dash of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), you're not alone in this dance! It's like you're tangoing with your own expectations while trying to outstep everyone else's milestones. Here's the secret sauce to dealing with this: Remember, life isn't a race or a competition. It's more like a leisurely stroll or a funky dance you figure out as you go along.
First off, embrace your unique rhythm. Your journey, with its ups, downs, and reroutes, is what makes your story so compelling. So whenever the comparison bug bites, take a moment to remind yourself of your own successes, no matter how small they might seem.
Then, sprinkle a little mindfulness into your daily routine. It's like hitting the pause button on a world that's fast-forwarding. This helps in appreciating where you are right now and understanding that everyone's path is as distinct as their fingerprints.
Lastly, channel your inner cheerleader for others and for yourself. Celebrate their achievements without letting it diminish your own light. You've got your own flair, charisma, and moments waiting for you. Embrace them, love them, and above all, trust in them. Your journey is uniquely yours, and that, my friend, is its beauty. Keep strutting your stuff at your own pace!00 Reply
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