Is romantic love as special as it's made out to be?

I am starting to think that the romantic type of love is not special, and I am started to think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other, and the couples who are still together are usually not happy being together.

In my opinion, romantic love should not be on the highest pedestal. In my opinion, parents and siblings' family love is the strongest. Family knows who you are. Romance is fake for lots of people, put on a false persona and romance on most parts gets ugly real fast. For the reality of romance is no Disney love story.

Parents and siblings' family love is one of the strongest types of love there is.

If romantic love is actually real, would it be one of the weakest types of love there is?

Is romantic love as special as it's made out to be?
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