- 9 d
Head. Always head. I know that fictional movies and the such will always preach "listen to your heart and don't give a shit what others think!" but in practice this usually doesn't work out too well. In this world going with logic is usually better than following your heart which can be irrational.
Like for example, as a kid you've always wanted a certain job when you grow up, but then you grow up and see that the pay for that job is always really bad and that on that salary you won't even have enough to buy food. Regardless of what you actually want it's better to go with a job you like less but that pays way more.
Or you really like a certain partner even though they're extremely abusive to you. You know you should leave them logically but you stick with them anyway because you love them that much. In the tend it's better to leave that toxic person altogether.
So yeah. That's pretty much it. The only time you should really follow your heart is for smaller or more inconsequential things that don't matter. Like liking the movies and music you genuinely actually like rather than just going with everybody's elses opinions. Or being open (in moderation) about your real interests even if people think those interests are weird. If you don't then you'll probably end up resenting both yourself and others.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 9 d
You can't make decisions without emotions, despite what people may say. However, if you have to lean towards one, it should be your head.
If someone is abusing or is toxic towards you in a relationship, then the best answer is to leave them no matter how much you may love them.
If you really want to feel included by your friends and peers so when they ask you to smoke with them, then it's better to use your head more so than your emotions in that scenario and not just follow the crowd.00 Reply
- 10 d
It's like writing. First draft thoughts with your heart, then rethink/type with your head to come to final draft action.
00 Reply
- 9 d
Head. I'm a happily married woman but I amit love makes you do stupid things at times without thinking about it first.
00 Reply
AI Opinion
As a relationship coach, I love mixing a bit of wisdom and a dash of charm! 😉 In decision-making, it's like cooking a perfect dish. Your head is the recipe, and your heart is the secret ingredient. Balance them like peanut butter and jelly. Too much heart can lead to lovebombing, and too much head might make you ghost your own emotions! Always aim for harmony. ❤️
01 Reply- 11 d
Go ahead.. I dare you to type another simile every sentence. I DARE YOU
What Girls & Guys Said
3.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Both , it’s your life and your decision no one else can decide that for you
00 Reply- 10 d
Well our hearts can be deceptive
12 Reply- 10 d
@Summeroflove all our senses can be deceived. So go with your inner voice or gut feeling as that will keep you alive
- 10 d
@Uglygaypoorcoward94 a lot of times it will. Using a mix of that and logic. Hur sometimes peoples hearts get set on the wrong people
In most cases you should follow what your heart wants but when it comes to love your heart can be pointing you in the wrong direction especially when a relationship didn't work out although the feelings are still there.
Listening to your head is very important sometimes in relationships otherwise you'll risk ending up pulling a death horse for years just because your heart loves someone.
Love is great but you should be careful falling head over heels for someone. Love can make you blind so definitely listen to your head00 Reply- 9 d
Head every time , letting emotions affect your judgment 9 times out of 10 skews reasoning ultimately affecting your decision. Basically you shouldn't ever really rely on your emotions. Sure they can point you in a direction but you must always apply proper mature logic and reasoning before arriving at a decision in my opinion.
00 Reply - 11 d
There's decisions meant for the heart and decisions meants for your head, when you start to lose track on how to tell the difference between what decisions require what, that's when things start losing control.
11 Reply - 9 d
Head for all things financial, political, debate able, business, sexual, medical, bad relationships, and the like. Heart when it comes to doing right by your non-abusive family and loved ones, avoiding doing things that would cause them harm.
00 Reply Depends on what it is. Financial stuff you definitely wanna think with your head because effects everything you do and have and plan to do in future. Relationship, follow your gut and heart
03 Reply- 11 d
Both. Picking a college isn’t easy at all. You gotta choose instate or outta state, which one offers the best education for your career, the cost of tuition and everything else. You wanna find that one college that you’re gonna love attending but at same time making sure it’s the right college for career. You don’t wanna go to a college that you absolutely don’t like want to go to cause you hate it but makes sense for financial reasons and career or go to a college that you feel in love with but doesn’t meet your requirements in what you hope to gain. Using both heart and brain to make a decision like that will be hard but be worth it
Neither function properly in my case whenever I try to make a decision, so can't give an honest answer.
10 ReplyI have experienced great disappointments in both emotional and rational decisions. I try to listen to my heart while still using my brain.
10 Reply- 10 d
both... each presents a unique perspective that is wise to consider...
10 Reply 806 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Certainly Head is the preference in making good choices.
10 ReplyDepends on the type of decision. For a lot of things it’s best to listen to your heart. When it comes to love just listen to your heart.
00 Reply- 10 d
Heart, but both are important to consider and hopefully they’re in harmony
10 Reply - 8 d
Listening to your head. Listening to your heart will only get you hurt. That’s been my experience far too often.
10 Reply - 10 d
You listen to both, then make the decision with your head.
00 Reply Always listen to your heart. Your emotions will always be more important than pure logic.
00 Reply- 9 d
It’s tricky, and it all depends on the person, because overthinking can cause both good or bad, but your heart only works with what you want but might not need, your head is better
00 Reply - 9 d
Make decisions with your rational brain not your sex organs.
00 Reply - 9 d
It depends on what it is.
00 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Depends on the decision.
00 Reply- 10 d
Head. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
00 Reply - 10 d
Seventy-five percent head, twenty-five percent heart.
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)9 d
I'd rather lose my mind again
instead of getting my heart broken one more time00 Reply - 9 d
Definitely my head my heart always gets me into trouble
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)10 d
Depends if it's financial head logic head emotional heart business head
00 Reply 4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Head of course. Always.
00 Reply- 9 d
Heart, but head has veto rights
00 Reply 6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I usually listen to my liver.
00 Reply- 10 d
Owls are wiser so I say brain 🧠 🦉
00 Reply - 9 d
Head. Heart's always get you in trouble.
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Do what's good for you, regardless
00 Reply3.6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It is much much better to listen to your head
00 ReplyI think a bit of both could save your life.
01 Reply- 8 d
If you’re falling in love with people that can get you killed you probably want to check your reality
Listen to your head.
00 Reply- 10 d
The heart dosent think it just pumps blood
00 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Gut. Pure intuition.
00 Reply- 10 d
Both, find a balance between the two
00 Reply - 10 d
00 Reply Heart ❤️
00 Reply- 10 d
00 Reply - 11 d
00 Reply - 9 d
I listen to my heart
00 Reply - 10 d
00 Reply
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