Freemasonry Secrets Explained


Freemasonry is a secret society that goes back to the the crusades and knight's templar knights or even further than back to ancient egypt, here's a mytake to clear up any misconceptions.


Freemasonry Secrets Explained

freemasonry started in the middle ages, as stone mason workers labelled themselves as "free" agent, who could work anywhere freely, historically a freemason had many privileges and secret handshakes to distinguish a mason worker, a Freemason worker was tasked with the art of sacred geometry and stone masonry.

A Freemason (mason worker) would take their origins back to King's solomons temple and hiram of tyre, were the foundations of freemasonry were started by three architects who built the temple,

a myth legend story that is the center of freemasonry.

Basically Solomon's temple was created with the dimensions of freemasonry and the ancient craft of stone masonry originates back to the tower of babylon biblical story.

The Crusades, Knight's Templar and Solomon's temple

During the Crusades a group of Frankish,french and European knights became very wealthy and rich due to what was excavated underneath Solomon's temple, what they found was Jewish kabbalah black magic and it was rumored they were secretly worshiping a goat headed deity called baphomet,

Excommunicated from the catholic church and the pope in rome, the occult practices of the knight's templar knights was banned and condemned.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

all knight's were punished or executed , but some managed to escape, these few formed the scottish rite in scotland, and the Rosslyn Chapel was where some knights were buried.

This is considered the first form of freemasonry, the knight's templar and scottish rite

the first grand lodge of england was formed in 1717, during the 1700s many lodges were erected.

Freemasonry and Illuminati

Historically the illuminati is and was what Adam Weishaupt formed in 1776 in bavaria,germany as a athiest secret society with plans to inflitrate the catholic church and eradicate religion, since then it has known to have disbanded and disappeared.

Although some conspiracy theorists believe the historical illuminati became powerful enough and even formed america and infiltrated society and the goverment.

There is no proof or evidence to support this theory, other than the fact many founding fathers were freemason and the U.S. Dollar bill with the creepy all seeing eye on it.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

Secrets and Controversies

The freemasons are rather a society with secrets, than a secret society.

handshakes and bizarre rope rituals make up most of the master mason and apprentice degrees,

sworn oaths on the bible or book of religion of choice, to a deity or supreme being.

At first glance a masonic lodge is just a club for gentlemen with mysterious symbols, but it gets deeper than that and you go up the masonic ladder,

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

A 33rd degree mason, the rituals start to get a bit eerie, it's been rumored by conspiracy theorists, that masons of high degrees engage in animal sacrifices and even human sacrifices.

as you go up the ladder, the names of deities of Babylonian and Canaanite gods they worship,

Baphomet, the goat headed medieval deity is infact indirect devil worship.

Symbols and mysteries

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The all seeing eye or eye of providence is a symbol of the great architect of the universe, with origins in the Ancient Egyptian Eye of horus, The eye of a supreme being that sees all, it is used as universal image of freemasonry.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The masonic symbol is a compass and ruler, with the letter G, representing Gamma or Gimel,the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Three is an important number in freemasonry and it is evident on the Freemason symbol.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The marble tile represents one's walk as a mason and the two pillars represent boaz and jachin, that goes back to solomon's temple pillars, the pillars of male and female fertility.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The statue of liberty was designed by a freemason architect and was a gift to america of freemasonry, look closely at the 13 sided pointed star shape base of the statue , it was all measured to fit masonic dimensions.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The capital city of america, washington D.C. is basically a symbolic map of freemasonry.

The streets line up to form a pentagram and compass and ruler, all masonic symbols.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained

The washington memorial is a pillar in masonic symbolism, it could be seen as the pillars of boaz and jachin or its roots in ancient egyptian obliesks, as a symbol of male fertility, a phallic symbol.

Freemasonry Secrets Explained
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