Teachings We Should Learn From Other Religions - Part 2


Few days ago I wrote a MyTake Titled as Teachings we should learn from other religions. However I wasn't able to write about all major religions. In that MYTake, I wrote about 3 Major Religions Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. So in this Take we are going to take a look at next three major religions Judaism, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Note that I'm not a religious person I'm an atheist and I don't want to attack against atheism I'm just sharing useful Morals from other religions. Following them or not is totally you choice. I'm posting this anonymously as I seek for approval from G@G admin team. Because of being influencer, MYTakes are directly featured. In order to maintain quality of featured MyTakes on G@G ( I don't believe I always write better than others), I'm writing it anonymously. I don't have anything against Atheism (as I'm one of them) nor any Religion.

Before starting, I'm quoting my favorite moral from Geeta ( Holy book of Hindu)

Cowards die a hundred deaths but a brave man dies only once.

Thanks to @CubsterShura for that.

3rd Major religion the world is Buddhism. It is well known to us as a religion of Peace, It is derived from Hinduism so there are some common morals in between. Let's take a look at its top five morals.

1. Buddhism

Teachings We Should Learn From Other Religions - Part 2
a) Refrain from killing: This teaching is about being non-violent. To live peacefully and harmoniously with and respect others, living beings must not be killed. Approval of killing by others and participation in killing is also considered wrong. This precept is about protecting lives and cultivating an innate kindness towards other beings. Since this teaching advocates non-violence, it also urges people to be vegetarians.

b) Refrain from stealing: This precept is about respecting other people’s properties and not taking it by stealing or by force. If something hasn’t been given to you, then you have no right to it. Stealing not only applies to material goods, but also to time and effort. You should be responsible and not fritter away someone else’s (e.g., an employer’s) time. This precept also urges people to be generous, kind, sympathetic and respectful to everyone.

c) Refrain from sexual misconduct: According to the teachings of Buddhism, sexual desire is one of the biggest hurdles to enlightenment and one of the most difficult temptations to overcome. Sexual misconduct like adultery and rape, which cause mental, emotional and physical injury to others, are absolutely forbidden. This precept, like all Buddha’s teachings, urges people to respect others by abstaining from sexual misconduct.

d) Refrain from lying: Respecting the truth is one of the most important principles of Buddhism. Denying the truth is actually lying, which can create guilt, confusion and disharmony. Buddhists are also asked to keep away from half-truths, exaggeration or understatements and, instead, work on being honest. It is believed that being completely honest with oneself and others will reduce disharmony and misunderstandings in the world.

e) Refrain from drugs and alcohol: Buddhism places a lot of importance on wisdom. Consuming intoxicants like alcohol and drugs can erode that wisdom and these are also harmful for health. A state of intoxication increases the chances of committing crimes and wrongdoing. It is easier to commit evil deeds or injure others when people are drunk or drugged. It is believed that anyone who breaks this precept will actually be dishonoring all the other precepts.

2. Judaism

Teachings We Should Learn From Other Religions - Part 2
a) An Eye For An Eye : An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" (Exodus 21:24) An eye for an eye disallows Jews from seeking more than equal recompense for harm or loss. The Torah recognizes that individuals require justice when wronged, but disallows any action beyond what is considered fair. The Talmud specifies monetary compensation for wrongs, not physical retribution.

b)The Golden Rule: "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:18).

c)“You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:13)

3. Sikhism

Teachings We Should Learn From Other Religions - Part 2

a) Accept other faiths: Sikhs do not believe that any religion has monopoly on the Truth. They do not regard Sikhism as the only way to God. These faiths include atheism too.

b) Live in the world: A Sikh should live a responsible life as part of the community. Withdrawing from the world or becoming an ascetic are not recommended in Sikhism.

c) Equality: Everyone is equal in God’s eyes; whatever their caste, creed or gender. God is accessible without priests: Everyone can be directly in touch with God. There is no need for clergy in Sikhism.

The goal of sharing these teachings with you is not that i want you to be religious but I hate it when a atheists insults a religion.

Like said before, we should respect all the religions even if we don't follow any of them.
In these teachings I've written the actual sentences which sound religious. However, you can follow them without need of a religion.

If you are smart enough to be atheist, you'll know what you've to learn from these morals/ teachings. After all Atheism is not for Dumb people. XD

Teachings We Should Learn From Other Religions - Part 2
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