Random Universes and Chaotic Universes are NOT allowed to exist in any known logically consistent multiverse theory.


There are currently four known logically self-consistent multiverse theories which do not violate any known law of physics and do not violate any known law of logic. And if they are ever found to violate either of those things, the theory will be discarded, not the logic or the laws known to exist.

Random Universes and Chaotic Universes are NOT allowed to exist in any known logically consistent multiverse theory.

Since I only specifically have knowledge of one of these theories, I will stick to String theory for the moment. Random or Chaotic Universes are NOT allowed in String Theory, nor any other multiverse theory that anybody takes seriously. IN order to be considered a viable scientific theory, string theory must be able to predict and describe the laws of physics of the real universe we actually live in, and it does, and string theory does NOT predict any chaotic or random universes. Atheists propose that "if enough random universes existed, one of them would eventually contain life/intelligence." this is not true for any number of perfectly rational reasons. A random universe would be half-assed and incapable of supporting biological life, for example it would break its own laws half the time, and it wouldn't be expected to obey mathematical equations, and it's attributes would be half-assed, such as LYING about itself half the time, etc. Whereas the real universe only tells the truth, and the real universe obeys every known law of logic, and every known conceivable law that any conceivable nested reality could possibly have....otherwise String Theory would be USELESS in the first place.

Other Universes obey the Copernican Principle. In fact, the Copernican Principle is actually so fundamental that as far as I can tell there are only two possibilities to the origin of the Copernican Principle: Either it is a fundamental attribute of the First Cause itself, like Almightiness or Righteousness, or else if the Copernican Principle is not an attribute of the First Cause itself, then the Copernican Principle is nevertheless so fundamental to reality that it must rationally be the very first thing CREATED by the First Cause. But to be honest, I think it's actually an Attribute of the First Cause, since it's the case that an Almighty Being cannot add to or take away from it's own existence, already being the Greatest Conceivable Being that can actually exist in reality it could not conceivably gain any form of power or status by attempting to add to or take away from itself (contrary to Swaggart). However an Almighty Being can create new realities outside of itself. So I tend to lean toward the likelihood that the Copernican Principle is indeed an attribute of the True Creator Himself, the First Cause.

Either way, there is no such thing as true randomness in the reality that actually exists, and there certainly is no such thing as true Chaos in the reality that actually exists.

Random Universes and Chaotic Universes are NOT allowed to exist in any known logically consistent multiverse theory.
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