Why I chose to be a virgin.

Why I chose to be a virgin.

Hi everyone time to tell you my story.

I am definitely a born again Christian so being a virgin for obvious reasons of religion is prevalent. But seeing as I'm 29 and living on my own please getting super close to my dream job. I still want to express and emphasize that this was my decision and not forced upon me.

Christianity my friends. Is a choice. Not an obligation first off. Just wanted to make that clear. That being said. While I do fear God. I decided to remain a virgin for an obvious reason.

I do not want to have a body count. Those conquests I would hear my boys brag about. Sounds lonely to me. Like as if they are searching for their partners. But with sex it's not the way to go about it. The way I see it. GOD gave me one penis so that means, I will be with a woman. One penis for one vagina. Its like we are a puzzle piece waiting for the right piece to come along and be a good fit.

I also don't believe in exes because if you're with someone and there's hardship, if the love is real they would do anything to make it work. Love is flame that needs to constantly be blowed on to keep roaring

All in all my decision to become a virgin and keep waiting stems from the fact that. I was built for one woman and I'll wait.

Why I chose to be a virgin.
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