Answering Atheists’ questions

Sam Harris is the only one I could think of related to the subject - dont know why-
Sam Harris is the only one I could think of related to the subject - don't know why-

Quite simply this take is here to answer frequent questions asked by atheists and also agnostics.

Inheritance of belief makes them very hard to be answered, at least in a convincing way to someone in the asker's shoes. Although my aim is not to convince anyone, or to "convert" at all, this is just to create an understanding that they're seeking through these questions.

As I agree that we can understand one another while each is in their own path.

So here we go....

1.Who created God?

This is a very common question, and I think it’s a good one.

If God was the answer to why the universe exists, then we can apply the same question, and we’re back to zero, it’s similar to the chicken and the egg. How do I answer this question to myself as a believer? It’s because I believe in a realm outside the fourth dimensional world, or the fabric of space-time. And from that I understand the concept of absolute abstraction. For you can go on forever with the question of what brought what, not just applying to God and belief it could actually be anything. I join the team of those who put a full stop to it, because in order to put God in a fourth dimensional context I have to think of it as a physical being just like me, which doesn't make it a god at all.

2.Why is there evil when God exists?

(Why is there evil) The same question that philosophically brought us to God, the same question also being used to debunk God. But you see my atheist friend, doctrines do have the answer to that, no matter how pro science you are, such question seems very stupid to people who understand philosophy in depth, because it’s clearly not your thing if you ask this question. It’s like me asking a scientist “Why are there electrons when atoms exist?”, it’s like “What!?”, You’re in the realm of belief buddy! So you can’t debunk my belief in God with this question, when you’re talking to someone who theorizes infinity, be it the afterlife or super dimensional beings, you can’t ask him as to why a tornado hit your village in your few decades’ lifespan while you were praying. So why is there evil when God exists? Because existence demands the merge of good and evil, it’s the same reason why life is not hell neither paradise.

3. Can God create something greater than itself?

This is no brainer, while the question seems to shutdown believers! Any created is less great than its creator. You just killed the concept of greatness itself in phrasing the question, just so you can get no answer. Well of course there’s no answer because the question is not in fact a question. With all due respect it’s a joke or a riddle.

4. Why so many evils committed in the name of God and faith?

This is where I shake your hand, as you’re closer to me than probably most believers. And I just say that belief and faith is not something holly that I can defend at this point, it’s a personal truth, personal freedom.
However, it’s not something that’s ought to be promoted. If you’re uncomfortable with being alone with your faith, then it’s not a faith! But as many of you know, and this is how I answer this question, this is because faith went out of being a personal thing, into a public thing specifically meant for keeping society in line, and being a tool in the hands of states and politics.

Finally, I hope this explains as why someone who tolerates thinking, and asking daring questions may still be a believer. On this subject, this is how far my IQ goes... Thank you 🌷

Answering Atheists’ questions
Post Opinion