Do you believe you live more than once?

I don't know if I believe in reincarnation or you personally living a second Life...
But there's this weird thought I keep thinking about that's hard to put into words... It's like... Well let's say before life was created billions of years ago... There was no living person... We was all jus black nothingness floating around in space waiting to be born,
So what differentiates that black nothingness of say a dinosaur and your black nothingness.. no one is really waiting to be born at that point... Every living thing is merged together into one big ball of nothing... So let's say someone gets born 1 billion years later... And then 2 billion years later another person is born... What's the difference between you and him? Both came from that ball of nothing, so even after he's dead and lived his life... That next person is alive and experiencing things that could be you... does anyone know what I mean?
It's hard to explain in words what I mean... But it's like... Just cos you die.. life don't stop... And people will still continue experiencing things forever...
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And if you both came from that ball of nothingness with no brains... How comes he experienced that life and you experienced yours?
When you both was nothing with no brains attached... DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT IM TRYING TO EXPLAIN?
Man it's so hard to explain in words... I probably sound stupid asf
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I'm saying there's no soul and were only conscious by some connections in our brain that anyone could have
Do you believe you live more than once?
7 Opinion