
Search Results: befriend a guy you like

What is the Allure & Mystery of younger women dating older men? Why is it frowned upon by so many people, especially the Religious crowd?

I grew up in Atlanta and Decatur, GA. All my gfs liked older men, often had crushes on the dads and stepdads. We were all low income, often with a single mom or a stepdad. Too many brothers and sisters in the...

A Message To My Ex

This isn't to bash you. It's to help you. I am not saying you were a bad boyfriend. We had our ups and downs; however, it just didn't work. Maybe these tips will help you if you find someone else. Don't let people tell...

Men of the O. C. : Who's Your Favorite?

Which guy from the O.C. was your favorite? 1. Ryan Atwood played by Benjamin McKenzie (Seasons 1-4 ) He's the bad boy from Chino who's eventually adopted by his defense lawyer Sandy Cohen and his family. He also has a...

Here's Some Positivity For You GAG Members!

So, there's so much negativity in peoples lives. Whether it's bullying, abuse, no self-esteem or what-the-fuck-ever. There are so many beautiful people in life, and I want to point them out. @Redeyemindtricks -she's my...

12-Step Plan: From Total Stranger to Potential Girlfriend💌!!

1) Pick the girl! Any girl you find attractive! 2) Find out what time you normally see her and where! Maybe, you bump into the pretty red head girl everyday at 2pm at school. 3) Take mental notes how she walks. Is she...

An open letter to my boyfriend!

When I first saw you 5 years ago, I never thought you would mean to me what you do now. Then you were just another cute little shy guy who was awkward around me, not knowing you had a huge crush on me then. I got a bit...

What Is With The Questions Asked On GirlsAskGuys?

So I've been on this site a year or less than that, I don't bother to remember. I've answered alot of questions on here and one thing always remains the same. The site gets the same questions over and over again,...

How To: Flirting At The Gym (And Other Places)

Yes, yes... there have been countless articles on the internet on the taboo topic of picking up hot chicks and dudes at the gym. Most say no, some say try it, but I'm telling you to go for it! There are certain cues...

Open Your Eyes To Love

My love story began when I was eleven years old, though I didn't know it at that time. When I was eleven, I moved to an apartment with my mom, at that time my cousin introduced me to one of his friends, who happened to...

Story Of My Life: This Father's Day Is For My Mother

I was born into a poor family, my father was always at work or out with a girlfriend while I was with my grandparents, because my dad didn't want me with my mom. I grew up moving around a lot and no matter where I lived,...

You Live, You Learn: Making Sense Out of An Unfortunate Aftermath

To those who have been following recent events in my life, as well as their unfortunate conclusion and my irrational, albeit understandable knee-jerk reaction to them, I am not happy. Life has not been good to me...

You Can't Help Who You Love...You Just Do!

Ever wonder how love works? Is nature behind this insidious phenomenon called love? Why do you feel like you are about to faint when you kiss one person but feel nothing with others? Do you know? I don't think you do. I...

5 Reasons Why I Haven't Dated Yet at 20 Years Old

In light of the approaching Valentine's day I wanted to get something off my chest: I'm twenty years old and I've never dated. I'm the boring, unkissed virgin other girls sometimes make fun of because she just doesn't...

My Struggle With A Fear Of Intimacy

They say that problems that arise in adulthood are actually deep rooted in childhood and to overcome your weakness you should trace it back in childhood and try to understand what makes you act the way you act. So that's...

Some Women Have Men Flock to Them While Others Are Invisible. What Makes These Women Desirable?

So, before I begin, I must place my stance on this myTake. Yes, I feel as if I am the woman on the invisible side of the spectrum. I did not enter my first relationship until my early twenties and it was sadly short...

The Great Code Geass

Hello مرحبا So today MyTake would be about #CodeGeass and as for #DeathNote I will do it in a take alone, this took me so much time to do, so I will do Death Note later on , and then I will do a third take which...

No She Didn't Put You in the Friendzone, You Put Yourself There

You finally worked up the courage to confess your feelings to your crush. Maybe you've known her for a short time, maybe you've known her for years, maybe you've even seen her go through a relationship or two, but...

A Lighter Side Of Pakistan By Sanaa Khan Photography

“A photograph is usually looked at- seldom looked into.” ― Ansel Adams. Today we are covering such an artist who's photographs are not to be looked at but deserve to be looked into. Sanaa Aziz Khan is not only good behind...

R. E. S. P. E. C. T. Find Out What it Means To Me: Respect, my thoughts on it.

I think this world lacks a lot of things and one of those things is respect. Not just respect for oneself but respect for other people. I know people say respect is earned and I suppose it is, just like trust. However,...

Can we escape society?

I'm not sure if this myTake belongs on GAG. It's not what people usually write about in here, but I would still like to hear what people have to say about my opinions. The older I get, the more I realize what this world...