How To: Flirting At The Gym (And Other Places)

Yes, yes... there have been countless articles on the internet on the taboo topic of picking up hot chicks and dudes at the gym. Most say no, some say try it, but I'm telling you to go for it!

There are certain cues and signs however that you should pay attention to. I'm going to give you 5 sure fire tips you can use. If you do it right, it'll work.

1. The infamous headphones.

Truth is, unless they are an old man or lady, most people will be wearing headphones in the cardio section...or watching TV. What else are you to do? It's BORING. However, that doesn't mean "don't approach me or look at me I'm too good for you creepy old tard"... Truth is, music helps workouts, but if I'm on a break between sets, I won't die or strangle somebody who has a question. It won't hurt anybody to take out an earbud and answer.

But don't interrupt anyone with or without earbuds unless you have made eye contact first and/or they smiled at you.

All conversations start with something, right?

If you see a cutie working out, first of all assess their level of intensity. If they're gasping for air, suffocating (might wanna help in this case), drowning in a pool of their own sweat... then maybe wait until they're finished. If they're kinda sweating, casually working but seem fit enough to do it without gasping for breaths then walk by them, in front of their machine and try to make eye contact... If they look at you, smile. If not... walk by a few more times but with a purpose (you really really have to wipe that machine or go to the bathroom or get that towel.

Tip: They may be caught by surprise and not smile at you... try it again later or another day but don't get discouraged!
"If they're gasping for air, suffocating, drowning in a pool of their own sweat... then maybe wait until they're finished."

2. Gym Staff Is Usually Not Too Shabby Looking

If you work at the gym you are bound to be in some sort of shape (that is not round)... Male or female, the gym staff can be the cutie you pick up or introduce you to a cutie. Most staff know their regulars/clients... so befriending them can't hurt. Start with a question or a hello or a nod when you see them. Whatever you're comfortable with. your way up to little chats here and there. You get the gist of it, yeah?

3. That hot girl/guy is so not out of your league!

Just because you find them the hottest thing around doesn't mean everyone else does. And if everyone else does notice them or check them out... well then, it still doesn't mean jack. Good looking people are just people. Are you people? Are you human? Good, you've got a shot then.

The seldom few are cocky and arrogant about their looks... steer from those if you want a real, meaningful and loving relationship. But most good looking people are just people... with insecurities, normal, down to earth people. No good looking person worth your time is going to think "Oh I am waaay too hot for this person, no thanks".... It's all about CHEMISTRY. Talk to them!! In fact, most good looking people don't even get approached, they're just stared at. Don't be creepy. Say Hi. Smile. Wave. Ask a question, even if you know the answer (they can't tell!) Just like you would with the ugliest person in the room.... be yourself and approach. Everyone is looking for someone they can connect with, on more than just a physical level.

Plus. Beauty is subjective ain't it? :)

4. Ask questions!

You've heard me mention it a few times by now. Asking a question is a GREAT conversation starter. Ask how to use a machine? Fitness tips? How are you? Is the gym open on so and so day and time? Have you seen my jacket I left it here last night? ANYTHING. Nobody is going to think "Oh they're so flirting with me"... it's just a question. You're not risking anything. They can either answer or carry the conversation and see where it goes. You are not embarassing yourself, or putting yourself on the line! It's a safe approach strategy for anywhere, especially the gym!

"Ask how to use a machine! Fitness tips? How are you? Is the gym open on so and so day and time? Have you seen my jacket I left it here last night? ANYTHING. It's just a question."
5. Check yo self!

Most of the time people (girls, I'm looking at you mostly) will make comments like "Nobody approaches me" "guys don't like me" "girls just don't like me"... sound like you? I know it does.

Next time you're at the gym or out in public. Look at yourself in the mirror or window. What is your body language saying? Facial expression? We often give off vibes and energy which other people use to assess or interpret us. If a drop dead beautiful girl is working out at the gym with a warrior ice cold exterior on... no one will approach her. Regardless of her beauty. She could be the nicest person in the world, but we don't know that unless we get to know a person. And in order to want to get to know someone.. we have to get interested in them.

Flirting at the gym do's:
  • Assess their workout intensity before approaching
  • Say hello, smile, wave
  • Ask a question about fitness
  • Don't discount the gym staff
  • Give off a good vibe!
And if we see someone who is happy or has a positive/great energy about them... we are drawn to them. And we feel more at ease or inclined to talk to them, or at least want to.

So make sure you are smiling, open and friendly. Just because you're smiling doesn't mean everyone will start to approach you, but it'll make it a heck of a lot easier for that hottie in the corner who is hypnotized your gorgeous eyes to come say hi or smile at you than if you were the ice queen.

Be nice. Be you. Be fearless!
How To: Flirting At The Gym (And Other Places)
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