
Search Results: why does he always compliment me

Why is she so insecure?

I live with a friend who’s really insecure and it shows. She’ll always make comments about her looks negatively even if it’s a joke and I think she constantly needs validation. I know I’m pretty and get compliments but I...
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Why doesn’t my boyfriend compliment how I smell?

I always go all out buying new lingerie and new scents from Victoria secret or a new perfume from the mall but never does my boyfriend compliment how I smell. The only way he tells me ( my new scent smells good) is if I...
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So what does it mean when someone calls you Honey Bun?

I'm a woman and this lady who works at a store where I shop is always complimenting me about my smile. She's always saying how she likes my smile. And once I overheard her tell one of the employees that seeing me makes...
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He was always super sweet, why is he rude now?

We’ve met quite a while ago and til like 2 months ago he was also super sweet, giving me compliments, flirting and stuff. We then started being more physical with each other and cuddled a lot and I really hoped we could...
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Guys, Why is he acting like this now? Was he playing me all along?

What changed? Yesterday I confessed my feeling over text to my crush who has been very flirty, always talking to me, walking me to class and caring for the past couple of months. He started talking to me first in class...
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Why doesn't my photographer ever post my modeling pics, but he does post his other models? I try not to take it personally, but its everytime?

I'm a 22 year old female and am into photoshoots. So this photographer reached out to me back in March and really wanted to do a shoot with me because he liked the other pics I've gotten taken. He is a boudoir...
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Why is my boyfriend putting me down all the time?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for about a year now and he keeps putting me down, especially about my appearance and the way I look and it’s making me feel bad about myself and lowering my self confidence. Thing is I know I...
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Why is the guy I’m talking to acting distant?

We hooked up almost a month ago and winter break started right after that so didn’t see each other for about a month now. We have been texting since then things were going pretty well. He would even always compliment my...
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I am really confused about my crush, what does this mean?

We have known each other for a few years and have a very flirty relationship. Examples of him flirting include staring at me, winking at me, making sexual jokes, teasing me, complimenting me etc. He works with another...
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Girls, What does she mean when she sends 😘😘?

When ever I compliment her or sometimes when we message she always puts “😘😘” or “💕😚” why does she do that? during conversation said she wanted to study in London (she's international student). I mentioned during...
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Every time I have had a one-night stand the guy always tries to spend the night... WHY?

The deed was accomplished, the snuggling has been completed, and compliments served so why does one not leave afterward and instead try to stay? Could it be the clinginess that some men expect to come during a one-night...
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Are you a sucker for compliments from the opposite gender?

Who else agrees that if a guy compliments a girl a lot, and makes it sound genuine, she will start to soften up towards him? Not necessarily fall for him, but if he acts right he is probably more likely to score and get a...
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How can you tell whether a compliment is genuine or not?

As girls would agree, girls get a lot of compliments from guys, even average-looking girls. A friend complimented me and when I seem to not believe he was sincere, we ended up discussing why I always seem to doubt his...
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Is this guy leading me on and using me for attention or does he still like me?

I used to talk to this guy who’s my coworker. We hung out and he did everything with me and for me. He would visit me on his days off when I was at work and would constantly make excuses to hang out with me and would...
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GUYS & GIRLS: What does it mean when a guy friend jokes about marrying you?

I know this a stupid question & nothing to take too seriously, but I am so confused! I've liked this guy for ages now & he liked me too, but nothing really happened between us, minus a few casual dates & some flirting....
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2 mo


i asked something similar before, different guy. i’ve moved on from him, and lately his friend who we’ll call basketball for right now had been subtly flirting with me. from as long as i’ve known him, he’s never bothered...
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Friend told me I never get compliments because "you don't need them" and guys say "I'm not gonna hit on you, you're too obviously good looking" WHAT?

"Everyone knows you're good looking and talented, you don't need compliments". Maybe I don't know because no one ever tells me (including my family)? Maybe that's why I'm shy and unsure of myself because I tend to...
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Why can't my boyfriend take a compliment?

I always thought that guys loved hearing "how hot they look today" or "You have the sexiest smile" and whatnot, for an ego-boost. But whenever I compliment my boyfriend, who's twenty, on how handsome I think he is (which...
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Does my coworker like me?

I have been work friends with him for a while but I was involved with another a guy so I didn't pay him much attention. All though, deep down I always had some interest in him since the beginning. If I were to describe...
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Why doesn't he just get rid of her?

So I've been dating this guy off and on for about a year and a half & the only reason I say on and off is because of his female friend. He doesn't know I know about her but he has mentioned her once to me but doesn't...
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