
Search Results: anal sex

I made a list of everything I want in a partner, and you should too!

So I stumbled across a video done by Glamour where they had a woman fill in the blanks for all the things she wants in a man, and then they'd find her the 'perfect' guy based on that list and set them up on a date....

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

God created humans to engage in sex only within the arrangement of marriage between a male and a female. The Bible condemns sexual activity that is not between a husband and wife, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual...

MyTake on Feminism

What sort of picture does your mind paint you when you hear the word, 'Feminist'? An angry and topless woman waving a flaming bra in the air with one hand, exposing her unshaven armpitts while she holds a microphone in...

"Closed Minded" vs "Open Minded"

Over the last few years, and especially since joining this website, I have learnt about all the different sorts of things people are into or willing to try and what not. And I know in myself, I have never judged a person...

13 Reasons Why I'm The Not-So-Traditional Christian

After seeing the many questions on G@G, I see that a lot of Christians are all stereotyped into one big group. I guess you can say Im my own-kind-of-Christian... the Not-So-Traditional one. #1 I Believe In God. Do you? I...

A Cautionary Christmas #Catfish Warning

'Tis the season to make merry, unless, that is, you're a smelly awkward middle aged basement dweller, who hasn't spoken to a woman outside his family on a social level since, well, since Methuselah were a lad... Plus -...

How people are misguiding you with crap advices about relationships

I'm targeting this take to young men, but keeping in mind I can only speak about my perspectives... The perspectives of a man in his early 30's! When I was younger, I dealt with the same things you youngsters have been...

25 Signs To Know For SURE He’s Not Into You!

1. Accommodating but not engaging This is a precursor to a relationship failure. When you look at his placid smiling face, it is probably just his penis smiling back, he knows he is no longer into you but his sex drive...

It's time we talk about UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs are the second most common infection, next to the cold. It’s time we start talking about them. UTI means Urinary Tract Infection. A UTI is where bacteria, usually e-coli gets in your urinary tract making it inflamed...

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

Don't get me wrong I like being male. I can't imagine being any other way. These are just things that annoy me about my gender. This is designed to give Women a glimpse into this man's mind. 1. Bonding with other Males is...

How To Ask Questions That Aren't Rubbish

I've noticed the quality of GAG questions has plummeted recently so here's the unofficial guide to asking great questions Make sense. All too often I'm not sure I'm reading a GAG question or the Times cryptic crossword....

The Focus of Gender Issues Should Be Shifted Towards Egalitarianism

This is a revision of my previous myTake in response to some of the criticisms regarding generalisations, political correctness and lack of sensitivity in clarification. In light of this it is a lot more detailed. But...

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

I feel as though this needs a disclaimer beforehand, and state that this is solely my preference and what I find most attractive physically and mentally. The Type of Style I Like I really like somewhere between stylish...

HIV: A Taboo With Many Misunderstandings!

Based on the answers I saw in this question What if a guy told you he was HIV positive? Would you date him? by Soulindub I decided to write this so we can clear up some things with scientific information about the so...

10 Phobias You Might Have

1) TRYPOPHOBIA - Fear of too many holes Trypophobia is a proposed pathological fear of objects with irregular patterns of holes. EXAMPLE:  Do any of the following images make you uncomfortable, provoke uncontrollable...

6 Movies Where There Is a Male Victim of Rape (Spoilers)

First of all, I don't want people to misinterpret this Take: I'm not advocating rape or any sex crime. They are abhorrent and cruel actions. Crime is a bad thing. Anal rape isn't the only way a man can be raped or...

3 Great Films No One Went to See

Diclaimer: No I don't literally mean " no one" but films that under performed before someone tries to go all anal on me. Also I classified this movie under entertainment but G@G claims it to be Sexual Behavior. I guess...

5 Underrated Values of Guys That Actually Make a Difference

We all love the fairytale aspects of relationships. Yet, at the end of the day, relationships rise and fall because of very simple, unsexy, reasons. Here are five things that sound really stupid and you'll probably roll...

10 Things I Appreciate in a Woman

There are a lot of great things about women. And if my previous MyTake titled "In Honor of Femininity: The 5 Things I Love Most About Women " has been forgotten, the things I love most about them are their cuteness,...

My Thoughts About Pickable; The Dating App

( Disclaimer : After reading the article, I saw a lot of generalization and I know people (women) hate that, so if you think you aren’t like that, then im not talking about you :) ) I apologize for the long...loooong...