My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity


I feel as though this needs a disclaimer beforehand, and state that this is solely my preference and what I find most attractive physically and mentally.

The Type of Style I Like

I really like somewhere between stylish and sexy but still conservative. I find that girls in dresses and especially skirts actually make me even more attracted to them; they come off looking more feminine and cute. I like a girl who'd be willing to make the effort to sometimes impress me but is comfortable letting me see her however she is. Girls who don't go out of their way to get other guys to look at them sexually.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity
My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

My Ideal Personality Types

I have been in a relationship with girls who felt their looks alone were enough to carry a relationship. I wasn't particularly attracted to them but if I were, it wouldn't have mattered. I progressively felt less attracted as time went on because I didn't feel mentally engaged. Conversation would initiate only through myself and I would need to carry the conversation to avoid it devolving into small talk or silence. I would progressively get more irritated throughout the relationship by feeling as though it was a chore; there wouldn't be much to add to a conversation and talking about this was uninteresting to them. When I ended the relationships they were confused.

So I want someone who is spontaneous and random and initiates conversation and discussions, whether it be new adventures, voicing her goals and ambitions, or making plans. I want to feel as though she tries because girls who make you carry the relationship often take it for granted, feeling as if you owe them and the relationship itself becomes hard work. I am random and I would love if she were too.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

So a girl that isn't simply a product of convention and trends, and she finds her own unguided path whether it be worldview or interests. She has an interest in learning and discovering new things as I do, and does her best to achieve them. She would spontaneously hug me and talk about a book she is reading or a movie she wants to see. She would keep me involved with her life as she develops her own ideas and thoughts. A critical thinker that is open to hearing different conflicting views with a temperament to listen, and not easily triggered when someone doesn't have the same opinion.

I like discussions that mentally stimulate you; it could be philosophy, beliefs, history, economy, or politics, for someone that is interested in new ideas and thoughts. I believe this promotes a healthy relationship providing depth.

How active I would like her to be

I'm not saying she needs to be superwoman. But I would like a girl with a little self-discipline, someone who doesn't complain about walking too much but then gets confused why she's overweight and thinks she's doing a lot to change when she isn't (if you can't discipline your eating habits, expect a certain result). Balance is important, and sometimes I would be happy to just lie down with her.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

I personally operate best on around 7 and a half to 8 hours of sleep. BUT, I can operate on 5 if I need to and I often get restless if I do nothing for hours. So I would like someone who, like me, just gets on with her day if she's tired and doesn't complain about it. I had a girlfriend who, as I mentioned above, expected her looks to carry the relationship. She didn't have a lot of energy but she wasn't particularly productive when awake. She would cause work for me, too; for example, I would cook her food (and she didn't know how to cook or want to know), and she would leave the plates on the floor. If I gave her something, she would leave a wrapper on my bed when my bin was in the same room and leave a mess or something she knocked over for me to tidy up. When we watched a movie, she didn't have any interest in the plot; she only liked romantic movies and only if the guy actor was handsome. And every time we watched a movie, she would always fall asleep so I would be stuck watching it alone.

If me and her go on holiday, it would be difficult if we only spent time lying on the beach for hours. I like a girl who would want to go hiking, visit sights, go island hopping, explore, and be fascinated by the world around her. Someone who likes to discover and open up to the world and not stay within her comfort zone.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity
My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

Be interested in new opportunities, something simple like making an attempt at video editing and starting a YouTube channel, or thinking of new business ideas and how they would work. Have a global mind to travel and learn, and also I would prefer that she is Christian.

Perhaps most importantly, I hope she isn't shortsighted. She does her best to think things through critically and doesn't date just to date. She is genuinely seeking someone she feels she can connect with that fits her. She ideally seeks the long term. She also always wants to hug and kiss.

Physically - The type of body I like

I am most attracted to girls who are thick and short. I am 6ft but I prefer in the range of 5ft to at most 5 ft. 9 or 10. One thing that puts me off straight away is when i see a girl covered in tattoos; I think it looks tacky and I much prefer girls that are natural. Even no makeup is a preference but I don't even feel an attraction when I see girls all inked up.

It can't be understated enough that I think thick thighs are really sexy; boobs and an ass are a huge bonus and I would always prefer natural boobs than fake, even if they sagged. If she becomes my girl than it doesn't matter, they're mine.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity
My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity

She has an amazing body but she doesn't care about what other guys think. She is loyal to me and doesn't entertain any guy flirting with her. With or without me there.

Sexually - How is she in the bedroom?

As I mentioned, I like girls in skirts as I do in shorts but I've never found it appealing if she never wears panties. I actually would rather take them off myself. I like conservative girls as they say. I have abs but I don't put them on display for everyone. So I;d be more tempted to have sex with her walking around the house, or in public looking sexy, or in just panties and a bra I can take off vs. always naked, which I'll end up getting used to and soon won't be special. I would much prefer and enjoy needing to take her bra or panties off to see what's under there then always having it on display. If she's trying to be sexy, teasing me in clothing or even better, in panties would much more easily turn me on.

A freak in the sheets, a lady on the street

I am dominant, so I would prefer she is submissive or at least sometimes challenges my dominance. If we're in public, she wouldn't mind play-fighting to test my strength before pinning her to the wall and kissing her (assuming no one is looking). But at home, she would initiate sex sometimes like I would but wouldn't lay there like a dead fish. She would challenge me, playfully trying her best to push me off and then just take it (but with dirty talk, too).

I also hope that she wouldn't ever request anal as I much prefer only vaginal. I would hope she also had a very high sex drive - at least once a day - and would hate condoms.

My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity
My Ideal Girlfriend: Style, Personality, Activity
4 Opinion