A random number of things that suck when you're a Man


A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

Don't get me wrong I like being male. I can't imagine being any other way. These are just things that annoy me about my gender. This is designed to give Women a glimpse into this man's mind.

1. Bonding with other Males is stupid

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

There are four basics when trying to bond as a guy: Sports, Cars, Comdey and Porn. I can't take sports or car talk. I usually just nod and hope I can interject at some point with comedy. As for Porn talk I just leave the room. I really don't want to know about some guy's fucked up fetish! Do that shit at home and never tell anyone again.

2. The only emotion I know how to deal with is anger

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

I've been taught like most men I assume, that other emotions must be supressed at all costs. Anger can be dealt with by force or shame. But I can't even wince in pain if I lose a limb or get shot.

3. Somehow I'm forced to take responsiblity for all the evils in the world. (Including dick pics)

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

As Billy Joel said "We didn't start the fire." I'm sure he didn't mean my version of it. But if a group is oppressed I'm usually blamed by either the Media trying to divide us or Women whom I have no control or influence over. I'm just trying to go to work.

4. Not all compliments from single guys are creepy pick up lines

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

Most of the time I just want to make a woman smile... for once. Even here on GAG I have to stop myself from being too complimentary to women. Age differences aside most Ladies deserve to smile once in their day. I've only messaged one lady here and that was just to compliment her on entertaining posts. As for the rest of just say thanks and move on.

5. Even in the age of YouTube I'm still required to fix things

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

I'd much rather hire someone just so I don't end up blaming myself.

6. To hold the door or not! (chivalry)

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

If I'm holding it open I'm just trying to be nice. I don't need a lecture about women's equality. I do the same for anyone. Guys get it, just say thanks and move on.

7. Shaving

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

It seems petty but shaving your face every day sucks. Then there's also trimming which has to be done because a bush on a man isn't comfortable.

332. MY creepy thoughts never end!

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man

As I've gotten older I've gotten better at controling what slips out but, the thoughts are always there. It's also the reason I try not to approach women. The thoughts start innocent but turn very fast: Wow, she's beautiful!- Do people tell her that a lot?- Does she need a hug?- Nah, you'd just get a boner if you did that.- Bet she's awesome naked!- Is she good in bed?- Does she like anal sex?- Wait, what if she likes to use a strap-on on her man?- Is she a "Furry?"- Is she a fan of 50 Shades of Grey?- Could I do that stuff to her?- What if I push it too far?- What is, too far?- Well forced would be too far.- What if I dress up as a theif and try to make her fantasy come true?- Would the neighbors call the cops?- Would she call the cops?- What do I say to the cops?- I don't think I'd make it as someone's prison bitch! All this takes place in about ten seconds before I just smile and walk by.

As I've said these are my opinions and are not to be applied to Men everywhere.

A random number of things that suck when you're a Man
52 Opinion